Reggie *requested*

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                   This was requested by @lillysprouse . I'm terribly sorry that this took so long, but school has been kicking my ass, and wrestling season demands a lot of my time. But worry not, for here I am, working through these requests that y'all deserve! 

                  I met him in the summer. He was sweet, and caring, and everything I have ever wanted in a guy. We met down by the riverbank, in July. His name is Reggie Mantle. 

           But, it is no longer the summer, and a lot of things had happened since then. Jason Blossom died, and Reggie hadn't been the same. He acted different when we were alone together, versus with his football friends. He had stepped into the role of Jason, and as far as I can tell, he had taken on his personality too.

          When we were alone, he was the perfect boyfriend. He was cuddly and sweet and romantic. He would bring me flowers and chocolates and sneak into my room just to see me. 

         You know, by different I mean he would ignore me, treating me as if he had never met me before. With little jokes such as "Grace? Hm, not quite sure that I know a 'Grace'?" It ticked me off and he knew it. I felt like he was embarrassed of me. Not that he should be. I'm a nice girl, pretty with blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm on the cheer team and honor roll, so he has no right to be embarrassed of me! When he does stuff like that it just unlocks something in me. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, it's kind of like a darkness, per say. 

       This incident in particular however, was enough to send me over the edge. He had just finished football practice, and I had just finished my cheer. I walked over to him because he was supposed to be giving me a ride home.

"Hey Reg, I gotta grab some of my stuff but I'll meet you by the car?" I offered, twisting the top off of my water bottle to take a long drink.

"Oh here we go," He said, smirking while sauntering over towards me, football flankies not to far behind. "Listen, Grace was it? I'm not quite sure why you keep playing these games when you know you're just going to get embarrassed. But, I guess you had better get started walking home, if you want to get there in a timely manner." He laughed, as did the rest of the team.

   Oh I've had enough. "Listen here, Reginald. Turn around." He stopped walking away, and at this point I don't guess that I have to tell you that so did all of his teammates. "I'm done with you Reggie, and I'm dead serious." I felt that darkness I had told you about earlier creeping up into my throat, my brain, my heart. i unscrewed my water bottle once again, feeling hot tears spilling on my cheeks, and I threw it all over him. I was crying heavily now, but I couldn't stop. "You better figure something out and figure it out quick, Mantle. Or you're going to lose me for good. You deserve to, asshole." His crowd of goons were silent, waiting in baited breath for his reaction.

   I threw the empty plastic water bottle at his feet and started to walk away, when I felt his warm, large hand clasp my wrist to prevent me from leaving.

    "Grace, honey, I'm sorry. You're right. I'm an asshole. But I know just what I'm going to do to fix it."

 He grabbed my face, quickly but gently, and kissed me. In front of his team and mine, he proved he wasn't ashamed of me. He broke away first, leaning his forehead on mine. "Guys, " he said, "This is my girlfriend of 6 months, Grace. She is beautiful and sweet and the only thing I have ever wanted. I'm done with this whole "bully pulpit" act. I'm not Jason, I never will be. I can't replace what we lost, but the next best thing is for me to be myself. And Grace, well Grace is a part of that."

   I smiled at him, and for the first time in a long time, the darkness didn't feel so important and pressing. I was happy. 

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