Reggie x Reader

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       The worst part about practice was not being able to eat. Meaning right after basketball practice, Pop's is the place to be.

     "Hey Ms. y/l/n," Mr. Pop Tate greeted me. "How ya doin' today?"

     "Ugh, the way I'm always doin' Pop, tired and hungry." I laughed. He is such a kind man, and his diner hosted fine memories.

    Like the time Reggie Mantle talked to me like a real person.

    I had just sat down with my burger and chocolate malt shake. He slid in the booth across from me. He looked especially good that day. He looked good everyday. Matter of fact everyday since 7th grade since I've had a huge crush on him. Of course the only person that knows that is me, I would rather die than let him, or anyone else for that matter, know that. I mean, athletic and academic rivals. No one expects him to be as smart as he is, but he gives me a run for my money.

    Everyone knows him, everyone knows me. We constantly hear the "you would be a cute couple if you didn't hate eachother." and my personal favorite, "wow! You're like the female Reggie!" Whopee.

    But that evening, he slid into the booth. He grabbed one of my fries. "Excuse me?" I said, arching my brow.

    "You're excused." He said with a sarcastic smirk.

    I rolled my eyes. "What do you want, Mantle?"

    "Well since we're on the topic, I want you to go on a date with me, y/l/n." He grabbed another fry, dipping it into my shake this time.

    I laughed and choked at the same time. "That's hilarious, Mantle. Maybe another time though, I look disgusting."

    "You look beautiful, shut the hell up. Pop? I will have what she's having." He pointed at my plate. I sighed in defeat and resorted to eating my fries.

    "Change of heart?" He asked. He was being all cocky and smug but I heard the undertone of worry in his voice.

    "Well," I shifted in my seat and took my hair down from the ponytail it was in prior. It fell around my face in damp curls, sweating does that to my hair. "If we're going to go on a date, there's no time like the present."

    His eyes smiled before his mouth did. His lips jerked upward, almost as if he were too scared to celebrate. He acted so different from then on with me.

    His food arrived, and he offered me fries. "Since I've been stealing yours?" I smirked.

    He told me about how he's the new football captain and everyone treats him different since Jason's death.

   Everyone at school knows how close they were. Reggie hasn't had time to grieve because the school just assumes him to be the new Jason.

   Our dinner date slowly winded down. "I've really enjoyed talking to you tonight, y/n. You listen to me, even though I'm an asshole to you. Thanks." He said, pulling money from his back pocket.

   I smiled, "I hope this isn't a one time thing, Mantle. Um, Reggie." I corrected myself.

    He laughed heartily, "No way. Tomorrow, same time, same booth."

A/N: Yall I just popped the biggest pimple holy cow. Requests are open. The next few chapters are gonn be preferences!! Stay tuned in, pussycats.

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