*requested* bughead

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         Betty could not get sick right now. She just simply could not. Alas, she was. She could feel it in her stomach, gaseous bubbles and the need to throw up creeping up her throat. She grimaced, excused herself from English, and ran to the bathroom. She blew her guts out. She always hated getting sick, though I don't think anyone enjoys it. She hated the stomach bug the most of all, a near deadly combination of vomiting and chronic diarrhea. In between pukes, Betty managed to fumble her phone out of her pocket, punching in Jughead's number fervently.  He picked up after two rings. Betty's guesses he was at lunch.

      "You okay? You don't sound so good kid." He knitted his brows together while he sat with his serpent friends at lunch. 

       "I have never puked this much in my life." Betty simply said. She leaned her head against the metal of the bathroom stall she was currently occupying, the cool soothing her head. 

      "Want me to come get you? Because I will." Sweet Pea glanced up. hearing their conversation. He couldn't help but envy their relationship. 

       "That would be great, Jug. If it isn't going out of your way." Betty smiled at the sweetness of her boyfriend. 

      "Oh shut up. Be their in 5." While it was actually a 15 minute trip between the schools, he was in fact their in 5. 

        He draped his jacket around her shoulders as she leaned on him. They were walking to his car, but even that exhausted her. He could tell she was cold, because her body tremored and her teeth clacked together. He frowned slightly at the sight, because he knew how she felt. She would run a fever for the next few days, and then the fever would break and she would feel much better.

      Jughead got her settled into the car, her eyes closed and head rolling around like she had no control over it. He tugged the seatbelt around her, fastening the belt into the buckle. Then he walked around the front of the car to the driver's seat, started the car up, and took her back to her house.

      Everyone was working, so Jughead figured he could stick around a little while and help Betty muster through it. He picked her up bridal style out of the car, opened the door with a little trouble, and got her upstairs to her bed while keeping her asleep. He was out of breath and figured he could participate in gym or lift a weight from time to time. 

      He tucked her in, pulling her blankets up to her chin before he headed downstairs to scavenge the pantry for a can of soup. He had't even got the pot of soup heating on the stove yet before he heard her run to the toilet. Maybe they should start with some water. 

    Betty was back in bed when Jughead came back into the room with a glass of ice cold water. She closed her eyes and smiled at even the thought of the water. "Thank you so much Jug, you don't have to do all this for me though." 

    He sat on the corner of her bed, handing the glass to her. "I just hope you would do the same for me, that's all. Oh-" He said fumbling around in his jacket. "I also brought the crackers up for you." He smiled meekly and handed them to her.

     The rest of his care over her consisted of checking her fever hourly, and giving her motrin if it was still too high. Her puking stopped after 24 hours, and Alice let him take care of Betty, so he didn't have to worry about leaving or getting caught. He slept cuddling her into his side, and she sighed because she was warm and comfortable. Three days later, she seemed good as new.

     "I just want to thank you again for watching over me while I was so sick. And for bringing me my make up work too." She smiled again, placing her hand over his. He sat at the end of her bed again, looking at her with love. 

     Then his stomach made bubbles. He had to b line for the bathroom to avoid blowing chunks on Betty's bed. 

    She found him in the bathroom, hunched over her toilet. A part of her felt bad. Really bad. But the other part of her found it kind of funny that he was sick now. She fetched a washcloth from her bathroom closet, running it underneath the sink's faucet. She put her hand on Jughead's shoulder after he stopped puking. She lowered herself to be on his level, and extended her hand. 

     After helping him up, she led him to her bed, tucking him in. "I would do the same for you Jug." She pressed a kiss into his forehead before placing the damp cloth on it. He smiled when she walked out of the room, thinking to himself:"How could I be so lucky?"

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