Jughead *requested*

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This one was requested by @The-Girl-Before

Sleep hadn't come to me in weeks. Ever since the Blossom triplets, Cheryl, Jason, and Alica, went down to just Cheryl and Alica, I've been struggling to cope.

Even when I manage to find some sleep, I'm haunted by nightmares.

It started off as Jason himself being murdered. Then it moved to my sister, Cheryl. Then it found its way to my boyfriend, Jughead.

In my nightmare, it always happens so quickly.

Jughead is shot, just like Jason was. The crazier part of these nightmares seems to be that I'm the one pulling the trigger on Jug.

I wish I could control them. Nobody knows about them, and I plan to keep it that way.

I know it's irrational, but I can't help it. The only thing that consoles the stress I have been feeling lately is the fast approaching lake trip my friends and I are taking.

Archie, Jughead, Kevin, Cheryl, Veronica, Betty, and myself will be at the lake by this time tomorrow.


After approximately 3 hours on the road, we arrived at the lake. Everyone jumped in immediately to soak up as much water time as possible.

Soon, we all competed to see who had the most impressive tricks.

I tried to stay out of it, but Cheryl convinced me to do my esteemed cartwheel into the water.

I had been feeling so tired for the past couple of hours, explaining why I didn't want to do anything more than necessary.

I stood on the wooden dock, everyone looking at me.

I raised my arms above my head, but before I could tumble into the water, I lost consciousness.

"Oh my God!" Betty yelled as my unconscious body hit the water.

Jughead, Archie, and Cheryl rushed over to drag me out of the water while Kevin, Betty, and Veronica waited on the dock.

I remember feeling the wood on my back. I remember hearing my sister calling for me. I remember my boyfriend's hands shaking me.

But I could only see Jughead dead in the water. The blood floating rapidly out of his forehead, body cold and stiff.

I was screaming. Well I thought I was. Really, I was just waking up.

As soon as my eyes fluttered open, Veronica and Jughead sat me up slowly.

"What the hell was that, Alica?" Cheryl asked, wiping a year from her cheek.

"Yeah, definitely wasn't a cool swimming trick." Kevin added.

"What happened?" Betty asked.

"I guess it from my lack of sleep lately." I looked up to their inquiring stares so I kept going without further promtping. "I've been having these nightmares. Basically what happened to Jason has been happening to Jughead for weeks, all in my head."

"So you mean to tell me you haven't been sleeping?" Jughead asked angrily.

"I try to as much as I can."

"I can't believe this." He said, running his hand through his wet hair.

"Well she doesn't choose to have nightmares about you dying, asshole." Cheryl said.

His expression softened, and he asked to speak to me alone.


Once we were by ourselves, he hugged me. He held me tighter to his warm body than he ever had before, and he clinged on.

"Go to sleep, Alica. I will be fine. Matter of fact, I will sneak through your window and sleep right next to you. That way, I can watch you sleep. If you have a nightmare I will be right there when you wake up."

I nodded my head, agreeing with his plan.

"You have to sleep, Alica. As you experienced today, you could have died! What would I have done? You. You've done something to me, I can't seem to live without you. So go to sleep. As soon as you get home. You scared me today Alica." He stepped back from oour embraces to stare into my blue eyes.

He played with strands of my bright red hair, tucking some behind my ear as he searched my eyes for some sort of confirmation that I understood him.

"Will you get some sleep to night, Alica?" He asked.

I nodded, smiling.



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