Cheryl *requested*

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(A/N Hey guys!! Happy New Years!! I hope 2018 is better than 2017. Also I haven't quite figured out how to italicize or bolden  words on my laptop yet, so I'm sorry haha. Well let's bring in the New Year with an imagine of our fave redhead!)

     She won't ever like a guy like me. It's nearly impossible. I only see her twice a day, and those are truly the best parts of the day. I sit and admire her while she walks by the skater kids as we all congregate outside the school. She probably doesn't know I exist. But I never take my eyes off her. Her emotionless face, perfect in every way. Hair, red and full, I long to run my fingers through it. Every outfit is perfect, planned out, and coordinated. I just sit on this bench in an old t-shirt and ripped jeans. I bet she has no clue who I am. The other time I see her is in geometry class, she sits a few rows over, but the seats align just enough so that I can look at her instead of learning about inscribed angles. I watch her roll her deep brown eyes in annoyance of this class in general. Se licks her pretty pink lips and then catches a part of them in her teeth in frustration. She's absolutely perfect, and I'm

     When her brother died, I knew it had to hurt her. She didn't walk by the skater bench as early as she used to, she was reluctant to come to school at all. Her attire was still extremely put together, makeup and hair flawless as per usual. I knew that she must be scared of slipping up in front of people. As the queen of the school she has no room for error. This had to be so tough. 

     I studied her at the pep rally as she spoke about coming together and doing what Jason would've wanted. The whispers in the stands were running wild, and no one was truly paying attention. Well, except for me. I could see her pale cheeks beginning to grow red with embarrassment, pain, something. She began to tear up, and my heart broke. I wish there was a way for me to just hold her, tell her that it would all be okay. 

       I guess there was, but I might just be committing social suicide. She needed someone to care for her, her parents seemed ice cold and unreachable. Her friends weren't even real friends, just people that worshiped her every move in hopes of being just like her. I had to do something.

       I decided to get her address from Betty Cooper, she knew everything about everyone. It was borderline scary. She gave me the information with no problem, knowing that my intentions were pure. 

      So here I am, standing on her big front porch. Never in my whole life had I seen a house this big before, I was a little scared and a lot a bit nervous. What if she shuts the door in my face? What if her mom answers the door and takes one look at me and laughs? What am I doing? I'm certifiable.

     My shaky, pale hand finds it's way to the oak of her front door. After minutes of waiting no one answered. I was growing weary, what if they were trying to ignore me? Should I just walk away? Ring the doorbell? Of course I should ring the doorbell! In a house that big, they probably didn't hear me! At least I hope that's the case...

     I ring the doorbell, and Cheryl promptly answered the door. "Roy?" She simply said.

     Now I was really dreaming. She did know who I am after all! "Uh, yeah. Hi Cheryl." I was floundering, I had no clue what to do. A piece of my dirty blonde hair fell in my face, and I reached up to smooth it back into place. 

    She smiled warmly at me, this is the first time I have seen her smile in a long time. "What are you doing here?"

     "Oh, um I can leave if you want me too, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you." Oh God I'm an idiot.

     "No, you don't have to go! I was just wondering what brought you here?" She looked great, but are you surprised?

     "I wanted to..." I'm just going to do it. I'm just gonna say that I have liked her since the 7th grade and I'm here if you need to talk. "I guess I just wanted to say that, um, I have had like this huge crush on you since the 7th grade and uh, I know you're going through this hard time right now with your brother. I know you guys were like really close. I just wanted you to know that I' here for you, if you needed someone to talk to?" 

     She looked mildly surprised. She cracked the door open more, enough for me to duck under her arm, " Wow Roy, I was wondering if you were ever gonna say something, I like you a lot too, and I would love nothing more than to talk with you."

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