Chapter 10

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Today was the day that Philip and I would find out the gender. of Baby McGraw.

Philip met me outside my dressing room and when I walked out, he asked, "Are you ready for this?"

I said, "I think so."

He grabbed my hand and we walked up to the stage together.

Towards the end of the show was when we had the ultrasound. I was laying there waiting for the ultrasound technician to get started. Philip grabbed my hand.

Philip said, "Now, today is the day where the ultrasound technician will find out the gender. We will announce the gender on the show next week."

When it came to the point of finding out the gender they took the ultrasound off of the big screen.

Philip said, "Well, that is it for today's show. Thank you to all of our guests today. We will see you tomorrow."

We walked off the stage holding hands.


Philip and I were setting up all of the food outside for the gender reveal party.

I said, "After today, everyone will know the gender."

We walked inside holding hands. Our guest were arriving. Philip and I were waiting for everyone to get there to go outside.

We were up in our bedroom in hiding, waiting for all of our guests to arrive.

After fifteen minutes, Philip asked, "Are you ready to do this?"

I said, "I guess."

He grabbed my hand and we walked outside.

As we walked outside and Philip said, "Hi everyone!"

Philip put his arm around me and continued saying, "Welcome to the gender reveal party. We are so glad to have all of you here with us today to find out if Baby McGraw is a Little Miss or a Little Mister. So, let's start with a prayer."

Philip led us in a prayer.

He said, "The food is over there. We will let Robin go first, since she is the pregnant mother and eating for two."

I said, "Oh, you are too sweet!"

We all sat down at the tables and ate dinner.

After everyone was done eating Philip said, "Could everyone please move over by the fence where it says 'It's a...?' "

He grabbed my hand and asked, "How are you feeling?"

I said, "Eh."

He asked, "What does eh mean?"

I said, "I don't feel 100%, but I don't feel sick or anything."

He asked, "Are you going to be able to do this?"

I said, "Yeah."

We got by the fence and there were two large confetti poppers. One was full and one was empty. Philip handed me the one that said my name on it.

He said, "3. 2. 1. Blow!"

My popper went out with pink confetti.

He pulled me in for a kiss and said, "It is a girl!"

I thought to myself, "I finally get a girl after having two boys. Finally!"

Our guest kept coming up to us saying, "Congratulations!"

My parents came up to us.

My mom gave me a hug and said, "Congratulations! I can't wait to meet her!"

I said, "Thank you mom!"

My dad gave me a hug and said, "Congrats baby!"

I said, "Thank you dad"

My mom asked someone if they would take a photo for her. We took a photo. My dad stood by Philip and my mom stood by me.

Later, Philip's parents came up too us.

His mom gave me a hug and said, "Congrats!"

I said, "Thank you!"

His dad said, "Congrats! I can't wait to meet her!"

I said, "Thank you! We can't wait to meet her either."

We figured since we took a picture with my parents that we should take a picture with his parents. His dad stood by him, while his mom stood by me.

As the day went on, our guests were leaving. Our parents were still at the house. I walked out to our back porch and sat on our porch swing. Philip came out and sat there with me.

He put his arm around me and said, "We are halfway done."

I asked, "What are you talking about?"

He said, "The pregnancy is halfway over."

I said, "It is flying by in the blink of an eye. Before we know it our little girl will be here."

We walked back inside to start making supper for our parents. We were going to make Chicken Alfredo. We were cooking dinner and I felt a really bad pain in my stomach.

I leaned over the counter and Philip asked, "What is wrong?"

I said, "I don't know. I just felt a really bad pain in my stomach. Hopefully it isn't labor already."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to follow me, vote, and comment!



Do you think that Robin is in labor yet?

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