Amongst Us

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Dear Duke,

I don't even know how to write what I want and need to say, so I'm just going to write it as it comes and however it comes. The raw honest truth that's going to hurt like hell and in the end most likely make you hate me even more than you already do, but before I start I'm sorry.... i'm sorry for leaving when you needed me the most, I'm sorry for not being good enough bottom line is I'm sorry for hurting you and holding you back from being one of the most respected, and loyal alpha's that you've come to be today. I know you have skeletons in your closet, I can feel your pain every time james' name was mentioned and even though I don't know the story I know this battle is a hard one for you. I want you to know that I had thought about leaving, because your right it's easier to run away from my problems then deal with them head on, but duke the thing is I didn't want to leave, I wanted to fix this and be the mates the moon goddess wanted us to be, I wanted to stand by your side, as your mate, your luna and your friend. I wanted to know that you loved me as much as I do you. For once I didn't want to run anymore, but we both know we can't fix this any longer it's to far gone now and we both have suffered to much pain caused by the other, for that i'm sorry too, I know how hard it was for you to tell me to leave and as hard as it was it's going to be the best thing for us, we can't be together without hurting each other, we may have been mates but we were never intended to stay together... to be honest I'd always hoped I'd never find my mate, when I found you it was too good to be true, I never wanted to bring you down into the shitty thing I called my life... but you did save me duke and for that I'll be eternally grateful, you'll always hold my heart duke because it was yours the moment I laid eyes on you, it could never belong to anyone else so I'm hoping you keep that in your mind when I tell you the next part, because it's the only way I know how to save you back, to protect your pack, the people who never judged before they knew the full story the whole lot of them that I class as my family........ I will always love you duke so please I'm begging you to at least trust that I mean it. Now for the hard part.... the rogues will no longer be a threat and there will not be a war, I didn't tell you before because I was hoping we'd take him down together but now that I know that will never happen.... I'm going to James apart of his deal to me was if I mate with him no harm will come to your pack, he was hoping it'd only affect you, but seen as how our bond is already weak it shouldn't hurt you at all and I'm truly hoping it doesnt. I can honestly say I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt you again. So please understand I'm not doing it out of spite or a way to hurt you, this is a means to an end for your pack. Remember my heart will always belong to you... Sera has it well protected. I love you duke, I hope to hell you don't hate me but goodbye.

My heart is always yours,

I love you always,


Duke's p.o.v

I never hated her, that was the first thought in my head. She truly believed I hated her, it pained me so damn much to know that I made her feel that way, to make her feel it was her job to stop James because ultimately that's what it came down too. She believed I hated her to the point we couldn't fix it so she had to go to James to save my pack, it enraged me and coda did not want James anywhere near our mate. I would make damn sure he had no time to put his grubby paws on my mate and even though I vowed never to go back to my old life ever, I'm willing to now for help, I need to do it in order for me to get Angelica back in my arms safe, in order for me to tell her I love her one last time.

It happened many years ago, and I don't talk about it ever, but I learned that James was my half brother.

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