glass heart | xli - xlv

242 42 10

・・・ xli・・・

Ao stepped quietly outside the room.

The door closed behind him without making a sound.

The hallway was silent.

For a moment, all he did was stare at the white floor.

His legs were slightly shaking.

Everything felt so light.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

—He blinked.

A second later, Ao realized that there was someone in front of him.

He looked up, expecting to see Monica waiting for him.

It was someone else, however.

The same blonde hair.

The same blue eyes.

The same can of soda.

He was dressed in the same clothes that he had been wearing before.


・・・ xlii・・・

No one breathed a word between them.




Leo reluctantly stepped forward, looking unsure.

He opened his mouth.

He closed it.

He was looking at Ao with an expression of someone who didn't know what to say.

Leo tried to speak again.

This time, he finally managed to form his words.

"Ao—," his voice broke as he called his name.

"Ao, I—"

He swallowed and looked away, shaking his head.

Once again, he tried.

"I.... I—"

Leo's voice disappeared.

His eyes were troubled. Pleading.

He looked like he was about to cry again.

Ao didn't say anything.

Instead, he stepped forward.

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now