once again | vii - ix

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・・・ vii ・・・

The next day, there were no classes.

He stayed inside his room for the entire morning.

After waking up from the same nightmare once again, he tried his best to fall asleep.

In the end, however, he couldn't.

So instead, he didn't move.

The room was silent, the only light coming in from the gap between the curtains.

His breathing was the only thing that was heard.

Slowly, he closed his eyes and settled into darkness.

Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.

At lunchtime, his doorbell rang.

・・・ viii ・・・

When he first heard it,
he opened his eyes and blinked.

For a few seconds he thought he was imagining things.

After all, no one had ever rang his doorbell before.

He doubted anyone even knew or cared where his apartment was.

The doorbell rang again.
This time, unmistakably.

"Ignore it."

He sat up reluctantly on his bed and strained his ear.

If it was a passing salaryman,
he decided he would pretend to be away.

Yet, the doorbell rang again.

And again.
And again.
And again.

This time, he knew it wasn't a stranger.

If the person behind the door was this determined,
then it was most likely someone he knew.

... But who?

・・・ ix ・・・

Heaving a small breath out, he pulled himself out of the bed.

As he did, the doorbell continued to ring without cease.

Very quietly, he made his way outside his bedroom and headed towards the hallway.

He could see a shadow of a person underneath the crack in the door.





He paused before the entryway.

Then, he held out a hand and hesitated

"... Don't open it."

He shook his head slightly, and grabbed the handle.

He unlocked it.

The moment he did, he couldn't believe who he was seeing in front of him.

It was Leo.

His blue eyes lit up once the door swung open.

Ao couldn't speak.

Leo grinned, wide and earsplitting.

"Hi, Ao. It took you a long time to answer," he said.

Then, he gestured with his hand.

"Say, would you like to go out and eat lunch?"

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