once again | xvi - xviii

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・・・ xvi ・・・

They did.

Ao sat in his usual place.
Leo settled on the chair in front of him.

For a few uncomfortable moments, both of them said nothing again.

As they did, Ao felt himself getting sick.

He wanted to go back to his apartment.
To lie down on his bed and close his eyes.

"Run away,
the way you always do."

Finally, Leo tilted his head.

"It's... really peaceful here," he murmured quietly.

"I can sort of understand why you'd take a liking to this place."

Ao stared at him. He shook his head.


Leo opened his mouth, then closed it after a moment.

It was as if he was trying to find the right words to say.

Finally, he rubbed the back of his head,
letting out a small breath.

"Ao..." His tone suddenly sounded uneven.

"Is... this alright? Am I being too unnecessary?"

・・・ xvii ・・・

The question weighted between them.

Ao looked at his blue eyes, staring at them.

He parted his mouth. Like Leo, the words remained in his throat.

Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.

In the end, he settled with a small shake of his head.

Leo's expression was hard to understand.

He made a strained smile.

"... Okay."

In the background, a gentle piano piece was being played.

・・・ xviii ・・・

"Hey," a new voice called from their side, startling them.

They turned their heads around.

It was Rie.

She was holding a tray of food and drinks in hand.

Silently, she settled beside Leo and placed them on the table.

Rie grinned.

"So... what were you two talking about?"

Leo was the one who answered her.

"Hmmm, nothing much. Thanks for the food, Rie."

He reached out and took the only can of soda from the tray, popping it open.

Rie shook her head.

"Of course. Ah... Ao-kun, you should eat up. It's not exactly lunch, but I think the cake will fill your stomach all the same."

She laughed quietly.

Ao looked down at the food.

It was the same chocolate cake and cappuccino that he often ordered every day.

He blinked slowly.

This was too new for him.

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now