unhappy story | xvii - xx

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・・・ xvii ・・・

Their relationship had changed.

Ao and his father began to grow distant.

It was as if they had turned into strangers instead of family.

Fujiwara Kyousuke was a completely different person now.

Ao did his best to understand what was happening.

At first, he thought that his father was still grieving.

So he stayed quiet.

He tried to keep his distance.

Yet every time his father looked at Ao,
he would always make an expression of disgust before looking away.

His father treated him like air.

It was as if he didn't want to see Ao.

Even though they lived in the same house,
they didn't talk anymore.

His father had changed.

And then one day,
after so long,
Ao finally understood.


I'm hated.

・・・ xviii ・・・

Three years went by after that.

As time passed, it was almost scary how quick it took for Ao and his father to become distant.

In a matter of those three years, everything had changed.

It was as if the past never existed.

As if the brief time of happiness they had was merely a lie.

For Ao, it was more than painful.

It was scary.

It was lonely.

Is this... my punishment for the happiness that I ruined?

・・・ xix ・・・

When it felt like everything was crumbling around him,
there was only one person left who remained.


Of all people, he was the only one that Ao could trust completely.

The only one who had stood by him and listened to his wretched sobs when he cried.

Leo was always, always there.

Looking back on it,
it was probably thanks to him that Ao was able to keep a forced smile despite everything.

・・・ xx ・・・

And so for three years, Ao remained like that.

The house that used to be filled with laughter seemed like an illusion of the past.

Ao rarely saw his father because of work.

When he did, Fujiwara Kyousuke pretended that he didn't exist.

Ao understood his actions.

It was all my fault. I deserve this.

Sometimes, he wondered why his father hadn't decided to abandon him yet.

Sometimes, he also wondered if he would be able to see him laugh again like before.

One day when he arrived home from school, Fujiwara Kyousuke was waiting for him.

There was a woman and a girl sitting in the living room.

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now