dull rain | xii

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"Welcome to the cafe!"

Her voice rang out in a loud vivace.

"Did you know, Fujiwara-san, that the rainy season is coming soon?
You should remember to bring an umbrella just in case it starts to pour."

She advised him casually.
He knew this fact already, though.

"I'd like to take my order," he said.

"Ah, of course. The usual?"

"... Yes."

She nodded.

Then, she started to hum.

Afterwards, the girl handed his requests in a small plastic tray.

She smiled. "Have a good evening!"

He took it from her gingerly.

Then, he turned around.

As he moved to get away, however,
a sudden impulse came over him.

He paused, suddenly turning back to her.

She, in turn, froze and looked genuinely surprised.

For a moment, none of them seemed to want to speak first.

Then, before he could change his mind,
his mouth uttered a question he knew he would soon regret asking.

But he still did, anyway.

"Hey... why are you doing this?"

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