ebb tide | xi

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"Just now... you really scared that girl."

Hashimoto Rie whispered this as she took her seat.

"Ao-kun... you shouldn't have glared at her like that," she said.

He looked up at her from his book. Slowly, he opened his mouth.

"No... She was being too familiar with me," he said coldly. "I dislike people like her."

Rie made a troubled face.

A moment later, she sighed.

Then, as though she had quickly forgotten about it, a small smile spread on her face.

"Well, at least you've improved a lot! You haven't been ignoring people recently, you respond to greetings now, and you don't act so cold to me anymore," she observed happily.

Her expression softened.

"I'm glad," she added.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, glancing away from her.

"I wonder... are you also glad with this as well?"

He shook his head.

He gripped the pages of his book tightly.

"... What are you here for?"

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