once again | xxv - xxvii

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・・・ xxv ・・・

They walked on for a few minutes.

As they did, Ao stared at the various sceneries that they passed them by.

Once again, there was that same hazy sun beating down on them.

Once again, there was that pressing, dizzying maze of a midday crowd.

Once again, there was that quiet stillness of the world revolving around them.

Ao decided not to ask Leo where they were heading to anymore.

He simply stared at his blonde hair,
watching his familiar back as they weaved through the crowd.

Just like before... back in those days.

A few minutes later, Leo finally stopped walking beside a road that curved up a small hill.

His head was turned towards the vast view of the city line that spread out before them.

His eyes were wide and immersed.

A small smile was on his lips.

Silently, Ao did the same and turned towards the city.

  ・・・ xxvi ・・・

It was a magnificent sight,
a precise illustration of a perfect afternoon.

For a moment all Ao could do was stare in awe.

From their vantage point, the city seemed to extend forever.

Metallic structures glinted as it caught in the sunlight.

The fallen traces of snow seemed to gleam.

"It's... beautiful, isn't it?" Leo gasped beside him. He rested his hand on the barrier.

Ao nodded in reply.

"... It is."

  ・・・ xxvii ・・・

"Hey... Ao."

He jolted at the sudden calling of his name.

Leo's voice was different this time again.




No. Don't.

Don't call my name with that kind of tone.

Slowly, Ao turned to look at him.

He was surprised by the expression on his face.

Leo looked genuinely... happy.

He gazed at Ao, his eyes warm and bright and familiar.

It was the same expression he always wore before.

No. No. No. No.

Don't show me that face.

Ao wanted to look away. To run.
But his feet were rooted to the ground.

He waited for Leo to say something.

A moment passed.
Leo tilted his head.

Then, he grinned.

It was a grin that was somewhere between a forced one and a genuine one.

He looked like he was about to cry.

Yet at the same time, he looked like he was about to laugh.

It was a terrible look on him.

Ao felt an uncomfortable pang in his chest.

Hesitantly, Leo whispered two words.

Only two words.

"... Thank you."

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