once again | xix - xxi

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・・・ xix ・・・

Rie turned to Leo.

"Oh, that reminds me... Ao-kun might be wondering how we planned all of this," she said.

Leo looked surprised, as though just realizing it.

He blinked for a few times.
Then, he met Ao's eyes and spoke in a soft tone.

"About that... we actually exchanged contact information a few days ago.

You know... on that day we met outside the gates," he explained quietly.

There was a slight change in his tone at the last part, Ao noticed.

Rie grinned.

"Since then, we've been thinking of getting together like this," she said.

"I'm glad it happened. Isn't this kind of exciting, Ao-kun?"

He did not answer.

There was a brief silence.

"Ah... I just realized something," Leo suddenly chimed in.

He reached out and opened his palms.

"Hey Ao, could you give me your phone for a sec?"

・・・ xx ・・・

Somehow, Ao knew what he was trying to do.

For a moment, he didn't move.

His head wandered back into its thoughts.

I don't understand why this is happening.

"That's because you don't want to."

Leo made a small, pleading smile.

"Come on... please? I'm sure you wouldn't mind."

Ao blinked slowly.

"You would."

In that moment, he found himself glancing at Rie.

Her expression was warm, the way it always was.

She nodded gently to him.

Ao took his phone from his pocket and gave it to Leo.

Leo's smile widened, the look in his blue eyes somewhat relieved. "Yay!"

Quickly, he began to type on the screen, fingers quick.
Afterwards, he handed it to Rie who did the same.

She gave it back to him once she was done.

Gripping it tightly, Ao stared at his phone screen. It seemed to weigh heavily in his grasp.

Leo's name was there.

So was Rie's.

"You should erase it later."

Leo sounded happy.

"There... Now you can contact us anytime you want!"

・・・ xxi ・・・

It was a strange feeling.

It was as if the reality of the situation dawned on him at that exact moment:

I am eating lunch together with Leo and Rie.

Leo is real.

Rie is here.

I'm here.

I am not asleep.

This is reality.

He felt his heart thump loudly in his chest,
an uncomfortable feeling that he couldn't find a name for.

... When was the last time I ate with anybody like this?, he thought.

Ao could not remember.

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now