false empathy | viii

453 73 13

After that, the rest of the walk continued in silence.

Hashimoto Rie decided not to say anything further. 

He was grateful for the quietness.

Around them, the rain had already started to fade.

He blinked.

Minutes later, they stopped at a crossroads.

"Ah, I'll be going this way, Ao-kun."

She said as she pointed towards the street to the right.

"My house is just a few blocks away. Thank you for accompanying me."

He simply looked at her and said nothing.

Then he shook his head.

She grinned and nodded.

He watched her as she turned away and silently retreated from him.

It was only a matter of time before she had disappeared in the crowd.

"Just like that."

He looked up at the sky.

The rain, he realized, had already long disappeared.

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