glass heart | xxxi - xl

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・・・ xxxi・・・


There were genuine tears in his eyes.

For the first time in many years,
his father was crying.

Ao felt himself go numb.

It was suddenly hard to breathe.

His father, who never showed his emotions.

His father, who was always so cold.

His father, who never seemed to care about anything.

He was crying.

Ao couldn't speak.

So instead, he listened to his father's torn, quiet words.

He listened.

He listened to everything.

・・・ xxxii・・・

"Every time... Every time I looked at you,
I couldn't stop being reminded of your mother.

I don't know if you remember her, but...
You look so much like Kiyoko, even until now.

Every time I looked at you,
I couldn't stop being reminded that you were the child we never had.

That you were the son of the man she chose.

It was childish.
It was stupid.

I was your father, and I knew better than that.

Before she left, we were happy.

Me, your mother, and yourself.

I... wanted those days to never end.

But—I couldn't stop myself.

Hatred was far more easier than love.

So I hated you. I blamed you. I scorned you.

I... abandoned you."

・・・ xxxiii・・・

His father paused, reaching out for the glass of water on the table.

Ao watched as he drank it.





When he finished, there was a short quietness.

Then, he parted his lips.

"In the end... I chose to love another child," he said.

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now