false empathy | vii

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"... How did you know?"

He asked, tone careful.

Hashimoto Rie looked confused.

"... Know what?"

He stared at her, taking in a slow breath.

"That... I'm half deaf," he said quietly, glancing away. "I've never told anyone before. How did you find out?"

She paused.

It was clear on her expression that she had not expected him to ask that.

He waited for a reply.

Hashimoto Rie shook her head.

"My... grandfather," she finally answered. "He went deaf in his left ear, after the war. I lived with him when I was young. I noticed a few habits he had before that I also noticed from you."

He frowned. "Habits?"

Rie nodded.

"Yes. I've been observing you a lot.

You tend to lean from your left side so you can hear better,
like during lectures or when you're ordering at the cashier.

Whenever someone approaches you from your right, you never seem to respond immediately, and you react to sounds from your left.

At first, it was merely a guess. I never thought I was right... Ah, but don't worry, Ao-kun! I won't tell anyone, I promise!"

She offered him a small smile.

He flinched.

"... How scary."

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