❝Since she left.❞

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{Huey POV}

It's been days since Jazmine came round the house, she's staying with the girls but I really do miss her. I didn't mean to break her heart, I got lost in the moment. I was thinking about her during the whole situation, I guess Julianna was right. I really am stupid. I was sitting on the couch on the laptop while eating popcorn. It was some video Riley wanted me to see about the police in Woodcrest going crazy blah blah blah. "Hey, Huey?" Hiro said, walking into the living room.

"Yes, Hiro?" I answered, not taking my eyes off the screen.

"You doing okay? You've been in the living room lately, you won't even join the rest of us when we go have some boy's night out. Or the party that Gordan hosted yesterday night." He said, sitting on the couch. 

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just staying here until Jazmine decides to come back, she's pregnant and she does the most craziest things on the daily. With a baby on both of our shoulders, I'm worried she'll get in trouble. But no, I'm not allowed to check on her." I scoffed.

"But I am." Hiro grinned, I took my eyes off the screen and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. 

"I can drop off some 'food' for the girls, and then ask one of them about Jaz and the baby. I'll most likely ask Miva or Ming." He said.

"Gee, thanks, Hiro. In the refrigerator, there's a fruit bouquet. Drop that off for the girls and say you bought it. Now." I ordered him, watching him go. 

{Hiro POV}

I followed Huey's instructions and took the fruit bouquet from the refrigerator and I took it to Miva's house. I knocked on the door, Jazmine answered it. "Oh, hey Hiro!"

"Hi, Jazmine! Can I come in?"

"Of course!" She stepped aside and let me in.

"Guys! Hiro's here!" She yelled, walking back up the stairs.

Ming was the first to come downstairs, she hugged me and kissed my cheek. She looked different, they were probably doing 'makeovers' in Miva's room. Ming had her hair curled and her nails painted a navy blue. "Hey, babe!" 

"Hey, baby." I chuckle, kissing Ming's cheek and seeing Cindy come down the stairs with her nails painted black and her hair tied in a bun. 

"Ey ey nigga! Wus this?" She pointed to the fruit bouquet.

"Since it's really hot out, I thought you girls could use something to cool you down. So I went to the store and bought you a fruit bouquet. You can make them into smoothies, or popsicles." I smile. 

"Aw! Thanks, Hiro!" Miva said, coming down the stairs last. Taking the fruit bouquet and setting it on the center of the kitchen table. 

"Hey, Jazmine? Can I talk to you?" I asked her, seeing the other girls were swarming over towards the bouquet and eating the berries on the tips. 

"Oh, sure! Come upstairs." She laughed and ran.

I followed her and we stood in the hallway. "What'd you want to talk about?"

"The baby, how is it?" 

"Oh, Ming took me to the doctors yesterday for the checkup. The babies doing swell! And it's so adorable. I want to hold it in my arms so much, I'll love it forever and ever and protect it..like Huey protects me. Or at least tries to in some occasions." She smiled, I saw her cheeks turn red.

I laugh. "Yeah, glad to hear that the babies okay. I don't know about children for me and Ming honestly. I don't think she wants one." 

"Aw! Your child would be so cute! I bet!" She laughed. 

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