Kyle Hendricks (Requested)

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Requested by -DansBryant- 💕 So sorry this took longer than I wanted it to! I'm not really familiar with Kyle so I didn't really have a perception of his personality, so I just researched a bit and kind of did what I felt made sense. I hope you like it!


Allison sighed as she glanced around her new Chicago apartment. She had just moved from Atlanta and she was scared to be beginning her new life, but was also overjoyed. Being Dansby Swanson's little sister was hard. Allison was constantly living in his shadow and she was so ready to be just Allison, rather than known as Dansby's sister.

She had gotten her job as one of the Chicago Cubs social media managers on her own, without using her relation to Dansby, and she was proud of it. She had needed that reminder that she could do it on her own and it felt good.

Allison gave the apartment one last glance before she slid out the door. The bad part about moving to a new city to start a new job was being in unfamiliar territory, alone. She was excited, but extremely nervous and she wanted to stay inside.

Her first assignment was to work the Cubs Convention that weekend. She walked into the venue and checked in with her supervisor. The convention had already begun, so she logged on to the Cubs Snapchat account, what she had been assigned for the day, and began to wander the convention hall, looking for good moments to document.

Allison smiled as she watched the players interact with the fans, particularly the young ones, and they turned and ran back with smiles full of complete joy on their faces.

"Their reactions are priceless, aren't they?" A man's voice behind her pulled her back into what she had been doing.

Allison glanced over at him and concluded from his attire that he was one of the players, although she had no idea who. She had never really followed the Cubs and didn't really do her research before she came, since it had been such a spur of the moment job offer and move. All of the sudden, Allison was embarrassed that she didn't really know much about the team. She laughed nervously and looked away, "Yeah, it really is."

The guy laughed and she saw him peering curiously at her in her peripheral vision, "You look familiar..."

"I'm Dansby Swanson's sister," The words slipped out of her mouth and she cringed. Those were the exact words she had been trying to avoid by coming here, but there they came out of habit. "I'm the new social media manager." Allison quickly continued and flashed her staff pass that was hanging around her neck.

He smiled, "Does Dansby Swanson's sister have a name, or is that it?" he laughed.

Allison shyly glanced at her feet and smiled; it was the first time anyone had ever asked her about herself, rather than something about Dansby or what it was like to be his sister. "I'm Allison." she answered.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Allison. I guess you're going to be around for spring training and the season?"

She nodded, "I hope so."

Another smile spread across his face, "Good." One simple word that put butterflies in her stomach.

"Uh..." Allison rubbed the back of her neck, sheepishly, "I...don't know who you are...I've never really been a Cubs fan." she was embarrassed to admit.

He laughed and smiled, two things he seemed to do a lot, "I'm Kyle Hendricks. I'm a pitcher, in case you were wondering." He winked at her causing her to blush, "Now it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Kyle."

Some fans spotted him and came running over to get their picture taken with him. Kyle shrugged, "Duty calls. I'll see you around!" He smiled one last time and turned to pose for a few pictures and sign some autographs.

Allison turned back to her tasks, but couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. Yes, she had only just met him, but she couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope at where this new chapter of life was leading her.


Allison sat in her spot next to the Cubs dugout and watched the game, waiting for an opportunity to have a moment to post online. It was mid-June and the hot summer sun was beating down on her back, but she couldn't be happier at where she was.

She had left Atlanta so she would be able to find her identity outside of being Dansby Swanson's sister, however, Allison was still in the spotlight because of a baseball player, but it wasn't her brother anymore. She was now known to the public as Kyle Hendricks' girlfriend, and she was completely okay with the title.

Allison felt eyes on her, so she glanced towards the dugout and saw Kyle smiling at her. When their eyes met, he winked. She still hadn't gotten used to the feeling.

Allison's life had changed so much since she had come to Chicago. She had come in search of proof that she was more than her family name and she had found something completely unexpected.

She was quite positive that this was the best possible situation that could've ever happened.


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