Trea Turner

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The girl sat at the bar, staring ahead mindlessly at nothing, the wheels in her mind turning.

"Hey, Sadie..." he softly spoke as he slid onto the bar stool beside her.

Sadie's heart jumped in surprise. Not that she was surprised he was here - he had been the one to invite her - but it was the surprise of hearing his voice for the first time in years.

"Trea..." she responded, her voice hostile as she stared straight ahead, refusing to make eye contact.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Wow, I've missed you, Sadie. It's been so long..."

She laughed sarcastically as she gave him a quick glance, "And whose fault is that?"

Trea frowned and looked down at his hands resting in his lap, "I know, Sadie. I'm sorry. There hasn't been a day I haven't regretted leaving."

"Really, Trea? You expect me to believe that? You had my number. You had every day to call or text me. You chose not to. Don't feed me your cliche lines."

They sat in silence for a few minutes. There was so much that needed to be said, but neither wanted nor knew how to start the conversation.

Sadie finally spoke first, "What'd you want to meet me for?" She asked. All she wanted was to get out of there. She didn't even know why she agreed to come.

"I needed to see you. I needed to hear your voice." Trea replied, his heart breaking as they sat there. His career was finally where he wanted. He was in the pros, playing daily, and doing well. It was when he finally got to the place that he had been striving to reach for so long that he realized something was missing. And that something was Sadie.

She shook her head and downed the drink that had been placed in front of her, which she now realized she desperately needed. How dare he come back now, after he hadn't even attempted to contact her for years, and think that she would just accept all of this.

"Talk to me, Sadie." Trea begged. He wanted to see her face, to search for just a bit of hope for him to cling to. However, when she turned to face him, her eyes were harsh and devoid of any warmth.

Sadie shrugged, "I don't know what there is to talk about. I don't know why you came back. I don't know why you waited all these years."

"I was young. I didn't have my priorities straight. I made a mistake, Sadie. Please forgive me."

She felt him attempting to pull at her heart strings. She had been waiting for this moment for over three years. She had imagined how it would be when he came back to her and they would be reunited once again, but Sadie was feeling nothing.

Sadie didn't want his words, she wanted the time back. She wanted the years they had missed together. She wanted to rid herself of the heartache that she had felt. She wanted him to feel how it felt when she spent night after night crying herself to sleep.

"Sadie," Trea choked back a sob, "Please forgive me. Give me a chance...please..." he begged, pouring everything he had out. He hesitantly reached over and took her hand.

Feeling him hold her hand, Sadie jerked away and shot him a glare. "No, Trea. You made your choice three years ago. You left me to follow your dreams, forgetting that I put everything I had into you so you could get there. I spent years of my life devoting myself to you and supporting you, and you repaid me by walking away. You made your choice, and now I'm making mine." She stood up and walked away without even a glance back at him as he completely broke down.

Her heart instantly broke as she stepped out into the pouring rain. The emotions washed over her faster than the rain drenching her body. Walking down the street, she wanted nothing more but to run back into his arms, to forgive him, and tell him yes, that she would take him back, but her pride would not allow it. She had already given him her answer and she would not go groveling back to him.

They had both made their choices, his in the past and hers in the present, but only the future would show them that they had both made mistakes they would regret the rest of their lives.


I was oddly inspired to write a sad imagine, so I came up with this and now I'm crying. Whoops.

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