Ender Inciarte (Requested)

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~~Requested by the best BravesGirl11 💕 thanks for being my writing buddy!~~


Tiffany pulled into the driveway of the large house in the Buckhead area of Atlanta, Georgia. She still could not understand how she was chosen to be the nanny of a very affluent family.

She pulled her purse from the passenger seat and walked up to the entryway and opened the door with the key the family had supplied her.

"MISS TIFFANY!" The voice of a child called and got closer as he got closer, "you're late!" He proudly held up his wrist and pointed to the minute hand, which was two lines past the hour mark.

Tiffany smiled and pulled the little boy into a hug, "I help you learn how to tell time and now you're keeping me in check, Knox." She ruffled his hair and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

The sound of high heels clicked from above. "Tiffany, there's been a change of plans today."

Tiffany glanced up the grand staircase and saw the woman heading down towards them, "Yes, Mrs. Hampton?"

Mrs. Hampton reached for an envelope sitting on the entryway table and handed it to Tiffany. "I cannot believe I agreed to this. But it was after much begging and persuasion from my son. A friend of mine gave me two tickets to the baseball game today and Knox desperately wants to attend, so I canceled all his typical engagements and lessons for the day. I hope this isn't too inconvenient for you. I can't imagine sitting out in the sun for that dreadfully long game."

Tiffany almost gasped for a multitude of reasons. One, the Hamptons lived and breathed by their routine. Throwing off their schedule by one minute could cause complete and utter destruction for that day. Cancelling typical plans was absolutely unheard of. Second, Tiffany was a diehard Atlanta Braves fan. Not only was she being given free tickets to go see them play, but she was getting paid to do it, since technically, she was on the job.

However, she kept her composure. She accepted the envelope and stuck it in her purse. "Of course, Mrs. Hampton, it is no inconvenience at all!"

Mrs. Hampton smiled, "Wonderful!" She bent down to kiss her son on the cheek, "Now you be good and do everything Miss Tiffany says, understand? Especially when you're at the ballgame. I love you." She smiled and headed out the door.

Knox jumped up and down, "Can we leave now? I wanna go to the game!"

Tiffany laughed, "It's too early, bud. The game doesn't start for five hours! Maybe we can go do some of your homework instead, so you can play after we get home from the game!"

Knox rolled his eyes, but grudgingly trudged to retrieve his schoolwork. Although it was summer, the Hamptons hired a private tutor to continue lessons with Knox when his school was on break. It wasn't quite as heavy as a workload as during the school year, but they wanted to keep Knox's mind sharp.

The hours ticked by and it was time for them to head to the game. Tiffany could barely keep herself together; she was almost more excited than Knox. Especially since she had not been able to attend a game at the new SunTrust Park.

As they found a parking spot and walked up to the stadium, Tiffany was speechless. The stadium was absolutely stunning. Knox, however, could have cared less about the architecture. All he wanted was to get inside and see his favorite players take the field.

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