Dansby Swanson (Requested)

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~~Requested by dansbaeswanson -- I interpreted "run into" a little literally...hope you like it! 💕~~


Layla anxiously sat on the couch, staring at the clock. She was taking her first trip to SunTrust Park that day and she couldn't have been more excited. She hadn't been to a baseball game since she was a little girl, and she was especially eager to see her favorite player, Dansby Swanson, in person.

The time ticked by at the pace of a snail's crawl, but it was finally time to head to the ballpark. As usual, the Atlanta traffic was horrendous, but even the bumper-to-bumper traffic and rude drivers couldn't dampen Layla's mood.

Once again, Layla watched the clock as the minutes ticked by. The traffic seemed heavier than it normally did and she was getting anxious. She didn't want to miss anything at all, not even batting practice.

Layla turned on the radio just in time to hear the local traffic report. "There's been an accident on 285 near the 85 interchange. Drivers traveling on the outer loop of 285 will be experiencing longer delays. No prediction on when the wreck will be cleared. Stay tuned for more updates."

"Are you serious right now??" Layla exclaimed with irritation and shut the radio off. At this rate, who knew how late she would be? The game may have already started by the time she got there.

Layla pulled off the next exit and set her GPS to take the back roads, determined to get to the game in time to at least see part of batting practice.

After weaving through the outskirts of Atlanta, Layla finally made it to SunTrust Park. However, the traffic getting into the parking lot was awful too, and she was yet again stuck in traffic. "Can't something just go my way?" She groaned to herself.

Right after the words came out of her mouth, Layla heard a crunch and felt her car jolt. She looked up to see she had rear ended the car in front of her. "Are you for real right now??" She cried out in frustration and laid her head down on the steering wheel. All she wanted was to get in the game and see Dansby, and yet instead, there was another glitch in her plans for the day.

She shifted her car into park and sat there, not wanting to get out of the car and face the legalities of dealing with a car accident. Having to file a claim and dealing with the police and insurance was just too much to deal with right now.

Finally, she opened the door and walked up to the car in front of her. "Listen, I'm really sorry I just hit you, but I'm super late right now and I really would like to get going. Can I just give you my info and I'll pay for all the damage out of pocket. I just don't want to involve the police and insurance right now." Layla explained to the other driver as he was getting out of his car.

He turned to face her and she almost fainted in shock. The one person she wanted to see in the ballpark was the man standing directly in front of her. She had just rear ended Dansby Swanson.

Dansby noticed the stunned look on her face and smiled, "Considering I'm super late to batting practice, that sounds fine with me."

Layla stared in shock, unsure of what to say. "I just....you're....I...I just rear ended Dansby Swanson..."

He looked down at his bumper, "That you did...I have an idea."

She nodded, "what's that?"

Dansby looked back up at her and smirked, "You can pay me by going out on a date with me?"

"A....date?" Layla squeaked out, trying to process the fact that the Dansby Swanson had just asked her out on a date.

He nodded, smiling at her reaction, "Pretty sure that's what I said."

"I...sure...I mean, I would love that." She sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck and glanced up at him, sure her cheeks were bright red.

"Awesome!" Dansby grinned, "well, I should probably get going." He glanced at the stadium and ran his fingers through his hair, making Layla almost faint again. He quickly pulled a piece of paper out of his car and scribbled on it before handing it to her. "Call me. We can discuss your....payment." He smiled.

Layla nodded, "I will." She shyly smiled back at him.

"You going to the game?" He asked her and she nodded in response. "Good." Dansby grinned.

He sat down in his car and turned around, "Wait, I didn't get your name."

"I'm Layla."

"Layla..." Dansby murmured to himself, "well, I hope to hear from you soon, Layla." He smiled at her once last time before closing his car door and driving off to the player's lot. He didn't know what came over him, but all he knew is he wanted to hit a home run for that girl and later, take her out on the best date she'd ever had.

Layla got back into her car, found a spot, and entered the stadium. She was in a complete daze the entire time, finding it hard to believe that she had just gotten the phone number of her favorite player. Never in her life had she been more grateful for being in a car accident.

For her, that one car accident had turned into the first of many dates with Dansby Swanson.

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