Christian Yelich (Requested)

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~~Requested by KristenCochefski5 💕~~

Kristen sat in the family room near the clubhouse, scrolling through Instagram on her phone. She was waiting for Christian to finish his post-game routine, then they were going to hang out a little bit, since she hadn't seen him in so long and he had an off-day the next day.

Kristen was mindlessly scrolling her feed when she decided to look at the pictures Christian was tagged in. She loved to see the pictures that the fans posted, especially the ones of kids. It made her heart happy and she loved him even more after.

She scrolled through, smiling at the happy faces of the fans that Christian had taken the time to sign autographs and take pictures with. She saw a picture that made her heart drop. There was Christian, looking all cozy with a very pretty woman.

Kristen clicked on the account of the woman who posted the picture and saw she was a model here in Miami. Her heart sank deeper and deeper as she continued to scroll. She scrolled back up to the picture with Christian and stared at it. Christian was laughing as if she had just said something funny and she was laughing and gazing up at him. The caption said 'my favorite' along with several hearts.

Kristen all of the sudden felt extremely light-headed. She knew she had to get out of there before Christian came out. She didn't know how she could face him.

She exited the stadium and stood outside, not quite sure where to go or what to do, since she and Christian drove over here together. It was desolate outside since the majority of the fans had already left.

Kristen picked up her phone started to dial her best friend's number when a car pulled up beside her. Recognizing the car, she turned and kept walking as the window rolled down and Christian stuck his head out.

"Kristen! What are you doing??" He questioned, not knowing anything was wrong.

She let her hair hang down the side of her face, blocking Christian from her peripheral vision, and kept walking. "Not now, Christian." She spoke, with a little more hostility than she intended.

Christian drove along side her very slowly, "Kristen, what's going on?? C'mon, I want to spend some time with you."

Kristen rolled her eyes, "Go spend time with your pretty model friend."

Christian racked his brain for what she could be talking about. He had absolutely no idea. He wasn't friends with any models, the only girl he needed was Kristen. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"This, Christian!" Kristen turned to face him finally and stuck her phone in his face. She could feel the tears coming and she tried as hard as she could to keep them from spilling over. The last thing she wanted was to cry in front of him. She didn't need any more humiliation tonight.

Christian stared at the picture. He had no recollection of it ever being taken, much less what they had been talking about or even exactly who she was. "Kristen, it's not what it looks like."

"It's exactly what it looks like, Christian." The tears threatened to overflow, "I don't even blame you. She's gorgeous and is more used to the game lifestyle, just like you. Why would you even want to date me anyways? I don't fit into your world at all." She turned away again and began to briskly walk away, hoping he wouldn't follow her.

He shifted his car into park on the road and quickly jumped out to run after her, not even taking the time to turn off the car. He didn't even think about it. "Kristen! Don't do this!" Christian ran after her.

When he finally caught up to her, he grabbed her hand from behind, stopping her in her tracks.

"Let me go!" Kristen tugged at his hand, trying to free herself. She stared down at her feet, unable to meet his eyes.

"Kristen, look at me."

She refused to look up. She wouldn't satisfy him. If he hadn't wanted to he with her anymore, all he had to do was tell her, not sneak around behind her back.

Against her will, Christian stuck his hand out and lifted her chin, so she was forced to face him. "Don't do this. I wasn't out with her, I wasn't even wanting to talk to her. She was a fan that came up to me and wanted a picture, and I only did it just to be nice."

Kristen wiped a tear that strayed from her eye, "Then why do you look like you're enjoying her company?"

"She made a joke. I laughed. I smiled for the picture. I never saw her again. I promise, Kristen, it was absolutely nothing." Christian's hand lingered on her face.

Kristen didn't know if it was true or not, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't fit in his lifestyle. "Christian, I can't do this. You need someone like her, I'm not good enough." Her heart broke with every word she spoke. She slipped her wrist from his grip and began to walk away again.

She didn't get very far before she felt Christian's arms wrap around her in a tight grasp. "Don't you dare say that. You are by far the best girl I've ever met and if I could pick anyone in the world to be with, I would pick you every time."

The tears Kristen had been fighting finally broke through and streamed down her face, "Christian-" she began, but he cut her off.

"Don't even start. I know you're going to disagree with me and I refuse to let you talk about yourself like that. You are so good enough. You're better than good enough. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you." He spun her around and squeezed her tightly to him.

Kristen smiled up at him, "Why don't we just leave it at we deserve each other?"

Christian smiled back down and kissed the top of her head, "I completely agree with that."

He gave her another hug and she didn't want to pull away, but she had to. "Uh...Christian?"

"Yeah??" He answered, concerned for what she was going to say now.

"You're about to get a ticket."

Christian spun around and saw the police officer looking at the car. "Aw, crap!" He exclaimed and ran towards his car.

Kristen laughed as she followed him. She was really glad they worked it out, because she could not wait to spend time with him tonight.

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