Cody Bellinger (Requested)

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Requested by @DeileeenVazquez 💕 Sorry it took like 2 weeks! I hope you like it!!

I'm just starting to get inspired for my imagines again, so those of you who have requested, they'll be coming soon! Thanks y'all!


Deileen stared out the window at the moving ground as the plane began to take off. She was heading to Los Angeles to surprise her boyfriend before his game. She was excited because she knew Cody had absolutely no idea that she would be showing up.

They hadn't seen each other in a good while, with him as a professional athlete in Southern California, while Deileen was across the country, a full-time student and working to pay for her college. Their full schedules made it hard to find time to see each other and they were trying to make the long distance work as best as they could, but it was undeniably hard.

She anxiously bounced her leg as the plane rose higher and the earth became more distant. They had waited for months and suddenly, these last few hours were an unbearably long time to wait.

The flight finally landed in Los Angeles and Deileen rushed off the plane as fast as she could, hoping to beat the awful traffic and get to Dodger Stadium so she could see Cody before the game started. However, traffic was not her friend on that particular day, and the drive took much longer than it should've. Deileen ran through the gates of the ballpark just in time to see the first pitch.

Resigning to the fact that she would have to wait a long nine innings before she could see him, Deileen made her way to her seat. They were so close, but still so far.

She tried to enjoy the game as best as she could, but Deileen wanted nothing more than for it to be over so she and Cody could finally be reunited. So far, he was 0-for-3 with three strikeouts and an error. Not his best game.

Cody was up to bat again and he had just swung at a ball in the dirt to make the count 0-2. As he stepped away from the batter's box, muttering to himself in frustration and readjusting his batting gloves, Deileen couldn't restrain herself any longer. She stood up and screamed, "YOU GOT THIS, CODY!"

Her voice stood out to him from the cacophony of sounds around him and he instantly knew that she was there. Cody turned towards her and searched the crowd and when his eyes met hers, his entire face lit up. The whole stadium disappeared except for the two of them. He was about ready to run up into the stands when the umpire tapped him on the shoulder.

"Time's up." The umpire motioned back to the batter's box.

Cody turned back to Deileen and gave her a quick wink before he stepped back up to the plate. Seeing her face in the crowd had given him the boost of confidence he needed, and he was so ready for this next pitch.

The ball came straight down the middle of the strike zone and Cody's bat made contact with it, sending the ball over the wall and into the stands.

As he rounded third base and stepped over home plate, Cody's eyes once again found Deileen in the crowd and he winked again and blew her a kiss. All the girls around her started giggling, but Deileen could care less. She knew who that was directed to.

The home run had given them the go-ahead run and they just had to get through a couple more innings before they could see each other and hopefully, celebrate a Dodgers win.

After spotting her in the crowd, Cody had a great game. He got another hit and made several excellent defensive plays, and each time, he looked back to Deileen.

Finally, the game ended with a Dodgers win, Cody's home run being the deciding factor. As he ran off the field, Cody once again met Deileen's gaze and motioned down the dugout steps.

She nodded in response, knowing he meant for her to wait for him down in the family lobby. She quickly made her way downstairs with butterflies in her stomach from the excitement of being together again.

Deileen had barely made it down there when Cody burst out of the clubhouse, hair dripping wet. He had clearly hadn't even taken the time to dry off after getting out of the shower, he had just been so anxious to see her.

Rushing over, Cody grabbed her in his arms and spun her around in a circle, "What are you doing here?!" He asked, still in shock of finally being back together again.

Once he had set her down, Deileen laughed and stared into his eyes, "I can leave, if you want..." She playfully teased and started to pull away.

"No!" He exclaimed and pulled her tighter against him, "I just meant I'm so surprised to see you."

Deileen reached up to kiss him, "Good, that was my intention."

Cody smiled at her and took her hand in his, "C'mon, let's get out of here. We have a lot of missed time to catch up on."

"Uh, Cody. Aren't you going to do something about that?" Deileen motioned to his sopping wet hair that was completely plastered to his forehead. She smiled; it was cute, but he looked like he had just gotten out of the pool, and the drip was soaking his shirt around the collar.

He grinned back at her, "Oh yeah, give me a second. Don't go anywhere!!" He winked, "I mean it!"

Deileen smiled as she sat down to wait for him. She knew that eventually, she would have to go back to school, but that was the last of her concerns at the moment. They were finally together again and she had no intentions of wasting even one single second.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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