Andrew Benintendi

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~~Inspired by attached YouTube video. Watch it, it's the cutest thing 😂💕 I figured this was a fitting Father's Day imagine. Just imagine Andrew as a father. UGH MY HEART~~

Katherine sat on the kitchen counter, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her husband, Andrew. He had just completed a road trip that ended with a day game in Baltimore, and he was going to be home at any minute.

Katherine felt as if she had been waiting for years and she couldn't bear to wait another minute. It was so hard to keep such a big secret. Every time she spoke to him on the phone, she was worried it was going to slip out.

She heard the key in the lock and the door slide open. "Katherine?" Andrew's voice filled the silence of their apartment.

She couldn't even see him yet and just his voice put a smile on her face. She slid off the counter and poked her head out of the kitchen. "Hey Andrew!"

Andrew smiled at the sight of her, "Gosh, I've missed you." He walked over and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I've missed you too." Katherine wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. She knew she could stay like this forever, just as he could, so she pulled away before she forgot about the task at hand. "I have something for you." She told him and pointed to the oven, "go on."

He looked a little confused, but smiled as he made his way across the kitchen.

Katherine slid herself back up to sit on the counter and she wiped her palms on her pants. She had been so excited for this moment, but now she was extremely nervous and worried about his reaction.

Andrew opened the oven door and there was a hamburger bun sitting inside. He picked it up and looked back at Katherine, his face full of confusion this time.

Katherine laughed nervously, "You don't get it?"

"Get what?" He replied.

"What is it?" She asked him, trying not to get anxious over the prolonged reaction.

Andrew chuckled, clearly confused, "A hamburger bun?"

"Leave off the first part."

Andrew thought for a moment, "Burger?"

"No," Katherine stifled a laugh, "leave off the hamburger."

"A bun."

Finally, they were getting somewhere. "Okay, and where is it?"

Andrew looked from the oven to the bun, "My hand."

Katherine laughed, "Andrew, where was it before you put it in your hand?"

He sighed, "It was in the oven. Katherine, I'm so confused."

Trying to speak through her laughter, she asked, "So it's a what in the what?"

"A bun in the oven!" Andrew announced, exasperated. "I don't understand what a bun in the oven means. Like what does-OH!" He stopped mid-sentence and stared at her, wide eyed. The meaning of the words were just sinking into his mind. "You're.......?" He trailed off.

Katherine nodded, tears forming in her eyes, "I'm pregnant." She whispered.

He stood there, processing her words before a smile slowly spread across his face. He walked around the kitchen to where she sat and pulled her off the counter, hugging her close.

They sat there, embracing each other before Andrew pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.

"Are you happy?" Katherine asked him. She wasn't sure how to read his silence and she was worried that this wasn't what he wanted.

"Happy? Katherine, I'm overjoyed." They stared at each other through teary eyes, foreheads together, and his hand resting on her face. "I've always wanted to be a father and I can't imagine having anyone better by my side while we tackle this new stage of life together."

That did it. The tears pooling up in Katherine's eyes spilled over and trickled down her face. Her heart was so full and she could not be any more excited to be carrying Andrew's child.

He brought his thumb up to wipe away her tears and stroke her cheek, "I love you so much, Katherine."

She smiled, never tiring of the feeling of him touching her, "I love you too, Andrew."

They stood there together, both just savoring the feeling of each other and the joy they felt, and both excited to see what the future held.

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