Dansby Swanson (Requested)

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~~Requested by damndansby 💕 I hope you like it!~~

Kellie was behind the wheel of her car, taking the monotonous drive home from work. She had already had a long week and sitting in rush hour traffic certainly didn't help her mood. Now that she was on her street, she wasn't even paying attention to what she was doing. All Kellie could think about was getting inside and crashing on the couch.

As she was about to turn into her driveway, Kellie saw a black spot in her peripheral vision. She glanced down to the spot and had to quickly slam on her breaks. She had almost hit the cute dog that was sitting in the middle of the street.

Kellie put the car in park and rushed out to rescue the dog from the street, before it got hit by a car. "What are you doing out here..." she grabbed the tag that was hanging from the dog's collar, "Bentley?" she finished her sentence.

She glanced around the street, hoping to see someone standing there, looking as if they were searching for a lost dog. She didn't see anyone around and sighed, "C'mon girl, let's get you safe and inside." Kellie said as she started walking back to her car.

To her surprise, Bentley followed immediately, without Kellie having to coax her to come along. Bentley hopped into the passenger seat and sat nicely as Kellie pulled the car into the garage. She was impressed at how well-behaved the dog was.

Once inside, Kellie dialed the number on the tag and waited as the it rang a couple of times. She sighed and laid back on the couch. She just wanted to get this taken care of quickly.

After the fourth ring, the person on the other end of the line answered.

"Hello?" A man's voice with a slight southern accent floated through the earpiece of her phone.

She didn't understand why, but his voice caught her off-guard. "Uh..." Kellie began, but she had forgotten why she had even called. Beside her, Bentley put her paw on Kellie's thigh, pulling her thoughts back on topic. "I...found your dog."

"Bentley??" He responded, his voice clearly full of relief.

"Yeah, Bentley." Kellie watched as Bentley tilted her head, "I almost accidentally ran her over in the street, but she's okay. She seems like a really good dog." She mentally scolded herself for rambling.

He laughed, "She is a good dog. Thanks for not running her over. Would I be able to come get her now?"

Kellie nodded, but then realized he couldn't see. "Yeah, now works fine. I'll text you my address."

"Okay, great. I'm Dansby, by the way."

"I'm Kellie. It's nice to informally meet you." She laughed.

Dansby laughed in response, "You as well. Thanks for keeping her safe. I'll be there soon."

They hung up and Kellie quickly shot him a text with her address. She glanced down at Bentley and smiled. She had been annoyed at the whole inconvenience, but couldn't help but smile at the sound of Dansby's voice still resonating in her head. She didn't even understand why she had butterflies in her stomach, as she hadn't even met the guy before.

A few moments later, the doorbell rang and Bentley ran to the foyer, barking. Kellie opened the door and the butterflies in her stomach instantly doubled. Standing on the other side of the door was the most attractive man she had ever seen.

Bentley ran out barking and with her tail wagging. Dansby crouched on his knees to face Bentley and took her face in his hands. Bentley licked his face like crazy and he smiled, "Don't run out on me like that, girl. You scared me."

Dansby glanced up at Kellie and was caught off-guard as well. He smiled at her, "I can't thank you enough," he started as he clipped a leash on Bentley's collar. "Are you busy right now? Let me take you out for ice cream or something to thank you." Dansby's intentions weren't all just to thank her. He knew that if he didn't at least talk to her more, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

Kellie's face flushed, which she immediately scolded herself for. Of course, the only reason he asked was to thank her. She knew she had no reason to feel flattered that he asked. "No, it's really all right. It was no trouble to me at all."

"Please, it'll make me feel better." He smiled at her.

That did it. Kellie knew she couldn't possibly say no to that smile. "Okay, only because it'll make you feel better." She laughed.

Dansby smiled at her, and they left together. Kellie knew it was absolutely crazy. She was getting into the car of a man she didn't even know, but after looking into his eyes, she felt no fear at all. Plus, the way he treated his dog, there was no way he had an evil bone in his body.

They headed to a local ice cream shop, but it turned into much more than a simple 'thank you' cone. Dansby and Kellie spent the next several hours talking and laughing together, and before they knew it, the sun was setting and it was getting dark out.

Dansby took her back and walked her up to her front porch. "Listen..." he started, and nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "I know I said that was to thank you for returning Bentley and it was, but honestly, I kind of wanted to get to know you. I really enjoyed tonight and I kind of want to know if you'd like to do it again." He chuckled nervously and glanced at his feet.

Kellie felt the butterflies in her stomach again. She hadn't imagined he would've even taken her out, much less actually been interested in her. She nodded, "I really would."

A large grin spread across Dansby's face, "Awesome! I'll text you." He quickly grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on the top of it, "It was nice to meet you, Kellie." He winked as he turned to walk away.

She smiled back, "Likewise, Dansby."

After he had driven off, Kellie closed the door behind her and sighed. An afternoon that had started off so mundane and tiring had turned into something better than she could've imagined. She had gone out on a date with a super attractive, nice guy and he wanted to do it again.

Kellie smiled. She could definitely get used to this.

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