Andrew Benintendi

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Madeline fell down into her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, shivering violently. She had felt a little off when she woke up this morning, but her health had quickly declined.

She laid there, trying to doze off when her phone buzzed on the end table beside her. Madeline picked it up and saw a text from her boyfriend, Andrew.

'I miss you, Mads. One more game with the Yankees and I'll be back tomorrow!'  the text read.

Madeline smiled. She loved watching Andrew play and she supported his baseball career, but she for sure loved it the most when he got back to Boston after a long road trip.

She quickly shot back a reply. 'I miss you so much. Go get a win for me!"

'We'll try! How was work today?' Andrew's reply came almost instantaneously. Madeline smiled. He was always thinking about her, asking how she was or how her day went.

'I didn't go to work today. I'm a little sick, so I decided to stay home.'

'You're sick!? And you didn't tell me??'

Madeline was typing a reply back when the phone started ringing in her hand. She pressed answer.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Andrew's concerned voice floated through the phone.

Madeline sighed, "It's really fine, Andrew. It's not that bad. I just feel under the weather." She shivered a little from her fever, knowing what she had just said was a small lie. She knew she was getting sick, Madeline just didn't want Andrew to worry about her. He had other important things to think about.

"You sound hoarse." Andrew replied, clearly not buying her 'under the weather' nonsense. "I don't like you getting sick and being alone."

"Andrew, it's really fine. I'm just going to sleep the rest of the night."

She heard him sigh on the other end, "Madeline, you need to go see a doctor."

"Just let me get through the night. I'm going to sleep all night and I promise if I feel worse in the morning, I'll go to the doctor."

"Okay, fine. I gotta go, Madeline. Please go to the doctor if you feel worse." He replied, his voice still full of worry and concern.

Madeline smiled. She loved how Andrew made her feel special and cared for. She wished he wouldn't worry so much, but she knew it meant he loved her, and for that, she was grateful. "Of course, Andrew. I promise I'll take care of it if it gets worse. I love you."

"I love you too, Mads." She could hear the smile in his voice, "Bye."

Madeline put her phone back on her end table and snuggled under the covers. Resting her head on the pillow, she smiled, feeling comforted by the sound of Andrew's voice still resonating in her mind. Slowly, Madeline drifted off into a deep sleep.

Several hours later, Madeline awoke to noises coming from the kitchen. She quickly jumped up from her bed and almost fell over, her fever leaving her lightheaded and dizzy. She stuffed her phone into the pocket of her sweatpants and grabbed a heavy book off of her desk.

Slowly sneaking her way out, she rounded the corner into the kitchen right as the intruder was walking out. Madeline screamed and raised the book over her head.

The intruder grabbed her by the arms, stopping her in midair. "Woah there!"

"Andrew??" Madeline looked up at him in surprise, "what are you doing here?? You should be at the game!!" The adrenaline she felt wore off and her legs started to give with her weakness.

Andrew grabbed her and held her steady, "Madeline, you're burning up..." He could feel the heat radiating off of her skin and her face was flushed.

"Really, it's not that bad." Madeline attempted to pull away, but it only made Andrew hold her tighter.

"I don't think so. You're not going anywhere." Andrew scooped her up and carried her bridal style back to her room. He gently laid her down on the bed and pushed the hair out of her face, his hand lingering on her cheek. He smiled, "Don't you dare get up, I'll be right back."

Madeline smiled back and watched him as he left the room. She considered getting up, but decided she couldn't oppose Andrew's orders. After all, he did come back a day early just for her.

Andrew walked back in after a minute carrying a tray. "You actually listened to me, that's a surprise." He playfully teased as he set the tray in front of her. There was a bowl of soup, a couple Tylenol, and a glass of water.

"Andrew..." Madeline whispered softly, "did you make this?"

"Yes. Well, I opened the can and heated it up?" Andrew shrugged as she laughed, "Eat up, it'll make you feel better."

She smiled over at him, "How did you get to come back? You still had a game in New York tonight." She ate a little bit of the soup as he spoke.

"Well, I wasn't in the starting lineup tonight anyways. I was getting the day off, so I just asked if I could head home a day early...said there was a family emergency."

"Andrew!" Madeline softly scolded, "this isn't an emergency!"

He smiled, "It is to me. I couldn't have sat there and watched the game anyways, knowing my girl was sick and all alone."

Remembering that she was sick, Madeline slid away. "You shouldn't be here anyways! You'll get sick!"

Seeing she was done and had taken the medicine, Andrew pulled the tray away. "Do you honestly think I care?" He pulled the blankets back and slid under the covers with her, pulling her close to him. Once again, she tried to pull away, but it only made him hold her tighter. "Don't fight me, Mads, I'm not going anywhere."

Madeline frowned, "I just don't want to get you sick."

Andrew stroked her hair, "And I don't want you to be alone."

Realizing he was going to have his way in the end, Madeline gave in and loosened up in his arms, snuggling herself closer and enjoying the feeling of him wrapped around her. No medicine in the world could make her feel better than she felt right at that moment. She didn't want him sick, but he was all she needed.

"I love you, Madeline." He whispered and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too, Andrew." She softly replied as she dozed off in his arms, feeling like the happiest girl in the world.

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