Bryce Harper (Requested)

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~~Requested by laurakateroberson 💕 sorry it took so long. I hope you like it!!~~

LK smoothed down the skirt of her dress as she prepared to head out into the living room of her apartment. She and her boyfriend, Bryce, were about to go on a date and she was worried, because her older brother, Freddie Freeman, had just shown up.

"Freddie!" She begged in a whiny voice, "can't you come back later? Bryce is going to be here soon."

Freddie laughed, "All the more reason for me to stay. I know your boyfriend from the game, but I don't know him well enough off the field and I need to, since he's dating my baby sister. Don't you think your dress is a little too short?"

LK groaned, "I'm not a baby and I can take care of myself. And my dress goes down to my knees. It's completely fine. Now, if you would kindly mind leaving so I can go on my date."

A knock came from the entranceway and Freddie grinned, "I'm not going anywhere."

LK went to open the door and Bryce stood on the other side, looking quite dapper.

He smiled, "Hey, babe, you look gorgeous." He leaned in to kiss her when Freddie's voice floated in from the other room.

"Not so fast, Harper."

Bryce stopped in midair and gave LK a look, "Freddie?" He whispered, feeling a little anxious, knowing his girlfriend's older brother was probably going to interrogate him, and he hadn't been mentally preparing for it yet.

LK sighed and nodded, "Sorry, I tried to get him to leave and he wouldn't budge." She whispered in return.

"Well, are you ready to go?" Bryce asked her and she nodded, hoping they could sneak out of the door and drive off before Freddie stopped them.

"Yeah! I am!" Freddie popped up beside them, scaring them both. "Let's go!"

They both groaned, knowing as hard as they tried, they would not be able to get Freddie out of their hair. Instead of fighting it, might as well just get it over with.

Once they got in the car, Bryce drove and LK sat in the passenger seat. Freddie sat in the middle seat behind them, keeping an eye on Bryce's every move. The car was dead silent. The awkwardness floated in the air like a cloud hanging over the couple's heads, but Freddie was as carefree as could be. The ball was in his court.

Bryce's hand slid over and grabbed LK's free hand. He tried to do it discreetly, but nothing slipped by Freddie's radar.

"Ten and two, Harper. Ten and two."

Bryce inwardly groaned and placed his hand back on the steering wheel, in the position that Freddie had indicated.

They finally reached their destination and Bryce and LK were more than happy to be out of the car. Bryce had planned a fun night for them, bowling and pizza.

Freddie eyed the building, "Such a gentlemanly date..."

"Well, we like to do things where we have fun together, rather than just sit there." Bryce defended his choices. He knew that LK and himself both enjoyed the things they did together, and that's all that mattered, not what Freddie thought.

She grabbed Bryce's arm and smiled up at him in agreement. She absolutely loved the time they spent together and it didn't even matter what they were doing.

"Well, okay. As long as you're happy, little sis." Freddie squeezed in between them, separating them, and put his arms around both of them.

LK nodded, "I am." She wished Freddie would just calm down. It was nice that he cared enough about her to be protective, but it was over the top. She was a grown woman and could take care of herself. Of course, she wanted Freddie's approval, but she didn't want to feel like a middle schooler out on a date with her parents chaperoning.

Once they were inside and getting settled down at their lane, Freddie kept watching Bryce. LK was trying to have fun, but honestly, all she wanted to do was scream. Freddie was going overboard and she hated when he acted like this.

Normally an extremely good bowler, she bowled one of the worse games of her life. This caught Freddie's eye, "You okay, sis?"

LK tried to hold it in, but she could not stop the words from spilling out of her. "Honestly, Freddie, no. I understand you love me and you want to protect me, but it's too much. I want you to approve of who I date, but you have to understand I'm a big girl now. I can make my own choices..." Tears welled up in her eyes and she blinked to hold them back.

Freddie stared at her, "I know...its just hard for me to see you've grown up and you're dating guys now..." He glanced over at Bryce and laughed, "and a Nat, for that matter. Couldn't you have dated Dansby or something? At least I could keep an easy eye on him."

Bryce stepped in, "I know we have our differences and we're rivals, but I want you to know that I really love your sister and it is not my intention to ever hurt her." He expressed with genuine concern and desire for Freddie to trust him.

Freddie smiled, "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, both of you. I guess it's up to me now to let you be an adult." He glanced over at her. "Come here, you guys." He pulled them in for a group hug.

LK smiled. She was here with her two favorite men in the world and the only thing she had wanted was for them to get along. She felt like this was the perfect moment, with the arms of both her brother and her boyfriend wrapped around her.

Freddie pulled back first, "Okay, enough of this cutesy stuff. Dating my sister or not, I'm still gonna kick your butt, Harper." He teased as he picked up a bowling ball, "and we're still enemies on the field."

Bryce grinned, "Always, Freeman."

LK laughed and her smile lingered on her face. Some things would never change.

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