April, 2nd, 1970

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  • Dedicated to Alexys, Let's trash a country club Miss Ghetto Bitch!!! Haha!

I woke up lying next to Maureen. I smiled and put my arms around her. She smiled and kissed me. "Aw, Get a room!" Robert yelled. "We have got a room, Robert." Maureen said snidely. She's gorgeous, smart, easy and witty. I think I love this woman. Hahaha! Robert walked away not knowing what to say to Maureen and knowing to watch what he says to her, otherwise I might beat the shit out of him. Jimmy knocked on the door before entering. Probably a good idea. He walked in and greeted Maureen and I. "Really? It's 1:30 and you two are still in bed? Naked?" Jimmy laughed. "We're not naked. We've got underwear on." I said matter-of-factly. "Oh, well pardon me!" Jimmy said sarcastically. Maureen chuckled as she got out of bed to get some coffee. "You want some, hon?" She asked sweetly. I nodded. "Hey! Stop lookin' at my girlfriend! You've got your own." I scolded Robert who was staring at Maureen, who was pouring coffee in her underwear. Robert  raised his index finger at me, walked over and took my cup of coffee. "Hey! That's Aaron's coffee. Pour your own coffee you lazy S.O.B." Maureen admonished Robert. "Well fine! I can't do anything around here!" Robert whined as he stomped out of the room. "Where's he going?" Maureen asked. "To John's room." Jimmy and I said in unison. I climbed out of bed and pulled my jeans on. I sat with my girl, Maureen, drinking coffee and chatting with Jimmy. "We've got a show tonight, right?" I asked Jimmy as Maureen twirled my messy hair. "No. We've got a flight." Jimmy said after swallowing a sip of water. I put my arm around Maureen and searched the room for a clock. "What time is it?" I asked Jimmy. He looked down at his watch before speaking. "It's almost three o'clock now." Jimmy said. "Our flight's at 5:15, right?" I asked. Jimmy nodded. We all got up out of the chairs to get ready to go. "Wait! Where's Robert and John?" Maureen asked. I almost forgot about them. "I'll go check up on them and tell them to get ready. We all know they're not ready." Jimmy laughed as he walked out into the hallway. "F-ck off, Jimmy!!!" John yelled from the room next door. I heard something break. I told Maureen to stay put and I went to go check it out. "What the hell is going on!?" I exclaimed as I entered John and Jimmy's room to see a broken lamp on the floor. "We don't want to get ready! The flight isn't till five and Jimmy came in here and woke us up! We need our beauty sleep!" John yelled. "I'll say." Jimmy mumbled. John's face grew rubescent. I told John and Robert to get ready to go beacause we couldn't be late. Jimmy left the room to avoid any further disputes. The two begrudginly got ready to leave. "Oh and John, for the love of god, put some pants on." I said as I left the room. Jimmy had told Maureen what was going on while I was tending to the children (John and Robert). We finally left for the airport at 3:45. "If we're late I'm blaming you two." I said as we rode in the car. John stuck his tongue out at me. When we got to the airport none of us were mad anymore. John was a bit cantankerous from being awoken so "early" but, it wasn't unbearable. Maureen and I were joined at the hip. She sat next to me on the plane, she walked with me through the airport, I enjoyed it a great deal. It wasn't that annoying type of clingy. It was the nice type that you don't want to be apart from. Like John and Yoko. When we landed we had all drank several pots of coffee, so we wanted to go do something fun. We wanted to play a show or something. No, we had to go to a social event at some fancy canadian country club. We showed up in psychedelic clothing, bell bottoms, we had sunglasses on and cigarettes in our mouths. We got dirty looks from every posh, high-class, miscreant in the place. We got bored sitting around with the upscale bastards so, we decided to go for a swim. In the fountain. So we jumped into the fountain and when we were done splashing around we went back inside and got some food. We were soaking wet as we walked down the buffet. We piled our plates sky high with food. By the end of the hour everyone in the country club was completely disgusted by us. Instead of asking for one cocktail or something from the open bar, we just asked for the whole bottle of vodka and a bottle of Jack. We ended up practically trashing the whole place. Nothing better than ruining a boring party with some fun!

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