March, 24th, 1970

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Today we all woke up at about noon with serious hangovers. We felt awful. Every few minutes Robert would put his hand over his mouth and held back from puking. Finally Robert ran into the bathroom to throw up. Jimmy, John and I sat at the table drinking coffee and tea. Jimmy didn't have the stomach for coffee. He hated the taste without being hungover, drinking coffee when he was hungover was so nauseating. John didn't care, he just chugged the coffee until the pot was empty. I sat with my sunglasses on, drinking my coffee. The phone rang. Oh, the ringing sent a piercing pain through our minds. I reached over and answered it "Yeah?" I said angrily. "Hello. Is this Jimmy? The bassist in Society." a posh voice said. "Uh, no. This is Aaron. Who is calling?" I said hoping the hangover would subside soon. "This is his father. I need to speak with him. It's urgent." the man said. "Oh, uh hold on." I said as I told Jimmy who it was. "What?! My father?! What the hell does he want?!" Jimmy yelled. "Ugh, give me the damn phone." Jimmy said holding out his hand. I gave him the phone as I wished that all of the sound would stop. "What do you want?" Jimmy said lividly. I couldn't hear what his father was saying but, suddenly Jimmy's face became very serious. He slammed his hand on the table and said "When the hell did this happen?" we all sat silently. "Why am I just hearing about this now!?" Jimmy yelled."Fine. Thanks for telling me." Jimmy said in a melancholy voice as he handed me the phone. As I hung up the phone I ask Jimmy what that was about. "Well, you know my parents kinda disowned me when I started playing music seriously and dropped out of high school?" he continued "My mother had reconnected with me. We had grown much closer than ever but, I was dead to my dad." I looked up to see Jimmy holding back the tears. "She's dead. She got really sick and it was something with her lungs and she died last month. My dad was trying to track me down and found some letters from me to my mom about the tour dates." Jimmy sighed. I hugged him and told him it would be okay. "No! It won't! She was all the family I had! Now she's gone! My dad hates me and I hate him!" Jimmy yelled. Jimmy stood up and smashed a chair against the wall. "Come on, Jimmy! You're always looking on the bright side! Now she doesn't have to be sick! She's all better now! She's not sick! Yay!" John said as cheerfully as possible. "No! She's just dead!" Jimmy yelled as tears streamed down his face. I stood up and hugged him. "Listen, man. I know it sucks, I understand. Just don't dwell on it. Smash things, get it out of your system but, don't dwell on it. It's going to be fine, you know it." I comforted him. Robert came stumbling out of the bathroom. "Hey, Jimbo! What's wrong?" I stared at him with the dagger look. "His mum died, Robert." John said sternly. "Oh my god! Jimmy! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Robert said nicely. "Robert... Do I look okay?" Jimmy said in a hushed voice. "I'm sorry! I didn't know! I..." Robert rushed into the bathroom, threw up. Robert came back out and finished his sentence "Didn't know!" as he wiped his mouth. Jimmy chuckled and thanked us for trying to make him feel better. "I'm just going to take a shower and relax a bit." Jimmy said as he walked towards the bathroom. "Oh dear god, Robert! If you puke in the toilet flush it for god's sake!" Jimmy yelled from the bathroom. "Oops! Sorry!" Robert yelled back. John, Robert and I sat around the table contemplating death. Which we stopped talking about when Jimmy came out of the bathroom. "Her boobs were huge, man!" Robert yelled. John and I burst into laughter. "What the hell?" Jimmy laughed."You know what, I'm not even gonna ask." Jimmy said as he shook his hair. We left the hotel at 6:00 for the show. We played our new song first. The crowd loved it again. It was a great show, four encores and many bras thrown upon the stage. We went back to the hotel and slept off the last bit of our hangovers.

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