March, 15th, 1970

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  • Dedicated to Chris DeMuro (My Mother) the most important person in my life.

We just pulled up to the Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There must be a million people standing in line to get in the front doors. We have arrived! Playing at the Spectrum for such a large crowd. This just seems so unreal. The plane ride was really long and I couldn't sleep the entire flight. I was just so excited. Our first time in America and we've gotten such a warm welcome. Robert and John slept for most of the flight and Jimmy slept a bit. I think Jimmy is as excited as I am about this tour. We've all worked so hard for this. When we got out of the car to go inside the air was damp and the smell was so different from England. We were rushed through the back entrance of the Spectrum and  we followed Michael through these small, dark, hallways. When we got to the dressing room I put on my black bell bottom pants. Robert wore the same white t-shirt and blue jeans he'd worn on the plane. John put on a brown vest with fringe that went almost to his feet. Jimmy wore a multi-colored paisley shirt and bell bottom jeans. I peeked out from back stage and saw all of our gear set up and ready to play. The roadies even tuned the guitars. I think I could get used to this. The stage was pitched black when we walked out. Robert began playing the beat to our first song and when John sang the first note the lights came on suddenly. It was so cool! The crowd was singing along and they were wearing shirts with our name on it. Some of the people in the audience even had signs that said things like "We love Society!". By the end of the show my hair was soaked with sweat and Robert had torn his shirt off. At the end of the show John took a girl in the front row by the hand and pulled her up on stage. He kissed her in front of the entire crowd! Everyone in the crowed cheered as he helped her back off the stage. John said "Goodnight!" and walked off stage. When we got back stage I asked him why he did that. "She was cute and I thought it'd be funny." John chuckled. "That was a great show guys! But, John. You can't just kiss random girls on stage!" Michael yelled as I wiped sweat off my face with a towel. John tried to justify his actions but, Michael didn't find any of John's explanations acceptable. John apologized and we left for the hotel. When we got to the hotel there were all these girls in the lobby. One short red-headed girl came up to me and said "You're so amazing! I love you!" I nodded to her and kept walking. The other guys took girls up to their rooms but, I was so tired I was going to go to sleep as soon as I got to the room. At 1:42 am I heard a loud crash outside. I rushed to the window to see a TV in pieces on the sidewalk. I knocked on Robert's door to ask him what was going on. "I was just really hyper, so I threw my TV out the window. It was really fun! Wanna throw your's too?!" Robert exclaimed. We were going to have to pay for the damages. We weren't making that much money yet, so I told Robert to behave until we start making more money or just smash more affordable things. Robert agreed to smash more affordable things. I crawled back into bed and fell asleep almost instantly but, it wasn't a deep sleep. I kept rolling around and waking up.

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