March, 18th, 1970

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  • Dedicated to Chris DeMuro (My Mother)

So, after Robert's solo act last night we all came back to the hotel and sat together in our rooms talking about the show, girls, alcohol, girls, music, girls, the amazing crowds, Did I mention girls? Haha! John had decided that it was too boring just talking. He walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a brown paper bag. "This will make things seem a whole lot funnier!" John chuckled. None of us knew what he had in the bag. "Well, uh... What is it? A paper bag?" Jimmy said. "A paper bag isn't funny!" Robert whined. "Guys, it's not a paper bag. It's what's inside the bag!" John said cheerfully. We still didn't know what it was. I figured it was drugs of some sort but, I wasn't certain. John took a small white roll of paper out of the bag. "This, my good men, will make things seem a lot funnier. You daft idiots!" John laughed. That was the first time I'd ever smoked marijuana. I remember having the greatest ideas but, I didn't remember any of them later. Right when we'd finished smoking the pot, Michael burst into the room. "What do you boys think you're doing!? You can't smoke that stuff! It's illegal and the other guests can smell it! You can't get arrested when we have all of these shows! No more of that rubbish!" Michael yelled. We were all terrified of him so we listened. While Michael was yelling Robert just started laughing. He was laughing so hard he fell over. Michael was so mad that he hadn't noticed, which was probably a good thing. Once Michael had left Jimmy said "Wait, where'd Michael go?" John told Jimmy that Michael had left the room. "Woah! Michael was here!? Man, we're in so much trouble." Robert exclaimed before bursting into laughter. I just sat there. I'm not exactly sure what I was thinking but, I remember being hypnotized by Robert falling over laughing. Today, we were on the plane going to St. Louis. I was sitting with John trying to remember what we had done last night. "Aaron, maybe we didn't do anything. Think about it! Maybe we can't remember what we did... because we didn't do anything!" John said confidently. "I don't know, man. Michael seemed pretty pissed off." I said to John. Robert and Jimmy sat down in the row in front of us. "Psst! Aaron!" Robert whispered "I think Michael's mad at us!" I don't know what I really expected from Robert but, I wasn't surprised. "Wow! Really, Robert!? You have such a great grasp of the obvious." I said sarcastically. We all laughed as Robert attempted to insult us. "Aw, sod off!" Robert scowled. We spent the rest of the flight joking and trying to remember what the hell we'd done the night before. When we got off the plane we got in a car and headed towards the hotel. On our way we saw this giant, white, arch right in the middle of the city. "What the...?" Jimmy mumbled. We were all quite perplexed by the structure. "What is it?" Robert asked. Robert sounded like a child that was afraid of a dust bunny. The entire ride to the hotel we were trying to figure out what it was. "Maybe it's a McDonald's sign that got broken!" John said enthusiastically. We all burst into laughter. When we got to the hotel Michael lined our bags up on the beds and searched them thoroughly. "What exactly are you looking for?" I asked Michael. "Don't play dumb, Aaron. You know very well what I'm looking for." Michael said harshly. I honestly had no clue what he was looking for. "Oh! I remember!" John whispered. "I bought some weed, we must've smoked it last night and gotten caught!" John exclaimed. He sounded like a scientist that had just discovered how gravity works. "So that's what we did last night." Robert muttered. Michael stomped out of the room and as he walked out the door he told us to behave. "Well, now we know what we did last night." Jimmy said trying to make the best of things. Jimmy was the eternal optimist. No matter how bad or hard things got, Jimmy would find a way to make it seem better. John would dwell on things, make them worse. John would be the one plotting revenge. Robert would blow up and smash things but, once he was done with his outburst of rage he was fine and let it go. I usually let things slide but, depending on how bad the situation was I could turn into quite a beast. Especially if I'm drunk. I usually keep things private though, if I'm mad I'll deal with it when I'm alone. I always try to keep the other guys from blowing up over things. We played another sold out show that night. John seemed to make a different entrance every show. At the end of the show John climbed off the stage and let some of the fans sing into the mic. We went back to the hotel to find another crowd of girls. Jimmy stayed in the lobby talking with this one brunette girl while the rest of us took ours up to the rooms.

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