March, 26th, 1970

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  • Dedicated to Jimmy's mother Rosemary Quinn Smith

Today I woke up in another hotel room. For a moment I forgot where I was. "Oh, right." I mumbled to myself. I looked over at the window and saw Jimmy sitting at the table. The sunlight hit his face as he stared outside. "You okay?" I said, still half asleep. "Huh? Oh! Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Jimmy said. I think I brought him back to reality. I'm not sure exactly what he was thinking but, I'm sure it was about his mom and life. "It's just so weird." Jimmy said. I nodded. I couldn't imagine losing my mom, especially after all that Jimmy and her went through. Robert crawled out of bed and came to talk with us. "What's going on? What are we talkin' about?" Robert said before clearing his throat. "My mom. I doubt you'd want to hear about it." Jimmy said. "I doubt any of you want to hear about it. I'm sorry. I don't want to bore you guys with this rubbish." Jimmy said, genuinely under the impression that we didn't care or want to listen. "Hey! Even if we did feel that way, it wouldn't matter. You're our friend, and you're going through a really hard thing right now. We'll be here for you no matter what, Jimmy." Robert said. Jimmy and I were both a bit surprised at him. Robert was never really one to be considerate or anything. "Robert's right. No matter what." I told him with a smile. I thought to myself "Holy crap! Did I seriously just say "Robert's right." Oh my god, I did. What... the... hell?!" I could tell that Jimmy was thinking the same thing. "Did you just say that he was right?" Jimmy said with a chuckle. "I did. Wow, who would've thought the day would come where I'd say that?" Robert completely oblivious to our comments, as he was rummaging through the mini-fridge for alcohol. He put about 15 of those tiny glasses of liquor in his shirt. Carrying his shirt like a basket, Robert walked over to the table. "Here, this'll help!" Robert said as he dumped his shirt full of alcohol on the table. Jimmy and I just chuckled. "Oh! Hey! I've got an idea!" Robert said in a hushed voice. He was trying not to wake up John. "John is out cold. How about we pull a little prank? You guys game?" Robert said excitedly. Jimmy and I nodded as we silently worried what we'd just gotten ourselves into. Robert walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a small, pink, paisley makeup bag. "Woah! Robert! When the hell did you start wearing makeup and carrying it in a pink purse!?" I exclaimed. "SHUSH!" Robert said angrily. "What? You don't want your boyfriend to know you wear makeup?" Jimmy joked. "This is a bag of makeup that some girl left in my hotel room one night. You would've thought she was a hooker, she wore so much makeup." Robert said. Robert explained that we would put all the makeup on John. "Oh, he's going to be so pissed." Robert said in a low, evil, voice. We proceeded to put the makeup on John. John looked worse than a cheap hooker that did her makeup blindfolded, when we were done. "Okay, go over to the table and I'll hide the murder weapon." Robert ordered. Jimmy and I rushed to the table, hoping that if John woke up he would only blame Robert for the monstrosity we'd turned his face into. Robert ran over to the table on his tip-toes and sat down in his seat. The three of us began drinking the tiny bottles of liquor. We didn't really know what it was, but I think it was rum. I'm not sure, it was so cheap it might have well been rubbing alcohol. Robert certainly didn't care though. By noon, Robert was hammered and John was just waking up. "Hey guys. Isn't it a bit early to be drinking?" John said drowsily. "No such thing! You especially, need lots of alcohol, John!" Robert said loudly. Jimmy and I hid our laughter, as John was unaware that he looked like a clown hooker. John went to the bathroom. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" John screamed. "What the hell did you idiots do to my face!? I'll kill ya!" John yelled. When John came out of the bathroom Jimmy and I pointed at Robert. and mouthed "He did it." John walked over to Robert who was rolling on the floor laughing. "So, uh. This was your doing, eh Robbie?" John said cheerfully. Robert was able to squeeze out "Yes" between laughing and breathing. "Oh, dear. That means you're a freakin' dead man, love." John said with a big smile. John sat on Robert's stomach and made his hands into claws. "No! No! No! Don't! John! Stop it! I'm sorry! Okay, so I'm not but, still! Stop it!" Robert screamed. "See, now these are the things we think about, before pranking!" John said smiling. John tickled Robert viciously until a wet spot began growing on the front of Robert's pants. "Oh, damn it!" Robert yelled. John laughed as Robert ran to the bathroom to change his pants. "I hate you SO much, John!" Robert yelled from the bathroom. Michael came into the room as Robert yelled "Why'd you have to make me pee my pants, man?!" We all burst into laughter. Michael's face grew uncomfortable. "What in the hell, is he talking about?" Michael said cautiously. "Don't ask." Jimmy chuckled. "Okay, well, get ready to leave. We have to get to the show by 6. We're leaving at 5. Got it?" Michael said bluntly. We all nodded in agreement. Robert stumbled out of the bathroom at that moment. "Um, guys. How long has Michael been standing here?" Robert whimpered. "Long enough, son." Michael said. We hung out in the room reliving the great pranks until 4:45 when we headed down to the lobby. We daren't be late, I'm sure Michael has no compunctions about belting our sorry behinds. We sat in the lobby chatting when a young boy with long hair came up to me. "Um, hi. You're Aaron Crowley, right?" the boy said. I nodded in response. "Um, would you mind autographing my guitar? You're my hero." the boy said, his voice quivering. "Of course! What's your name, kid?" I said with the biggest smile. I was someone's hero. That was the highest I ever felt. "My, uh, my name is: Tyler." he said with a smile. I smiled and wrote "To Tyler, From Aaron. Keep Rockin'!" as I handed him his Squire Telecaster. "Wow. Thank you so much! I'll cherish this guitar! You just made my day!" Tyler exclaimed. "Well, you said I was your hero. So you made my year." I said with a smile. Tyler ran out to a car waiting outside, I think it was his mother waiting in the car for him. We left for the show and traffic was really bad, again. John hid behind my Orange Stack Amplifier  when we started playing, then he suddenly jumped out, scaring the crap out of the audience. It was a good, high-energy, show. We all went back to the hotel and took our choice of groupies. I chose a skinny blonde girl with a multi-colored hair wrap. John picked a very pretty girl with short black hair. Jimmy picked a short girl with brown hair, who resembled the girl that left him in St. Louis. Robert chose a tall, red-head, with gorgeous lips. We all took our female guests up to our rooms. When I rolled over in bed, at around 3:25 I accidentally pulled the covers, causing the blonde to roll out of bed. For a moment I thought she'd hit her head on the night stand but, she was awake and fine. "What the hell, man?" She groaned. "I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" I told her. "Whatever." she sighed, as she climbed back into bed.

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