March, 28th, 1970

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"Get up! Everyone! Get up! Rise and shine! Greet the day!" Jimmy yelled. "Shut up, man." John mumbled. "Good morning, sunshine!" Jimmy said cheerfully. "Go... The... Hell... AWAY!!!!" John yelled in Jimmy's face. "Oh, come on! That's no way to wake up! You shouldn't be yelling when the rest of the band has hangovers." Jimmy smirked. "Go yell in Robert's ear, man. I'm tryin' to sleep over here!" John yelled. "Oh, would you two shut up!" I yelled. "Stop acting like 3 year olds! We're all adults here, start acting like ones!" I commanded. Jimmy stared at me as if he was about to cry. John looked at me angrily and said "Aw, sod off, Aaron!" as he curled up under the covers on his bed. "Grow up, John." I said as I got out of bed. "Stop fighting!" Robert whined. "We're not fighting over you, we still love you, Robbie." John said jokingly. "Seriously! I'm hungover and all this yelling hurts my head!" Robert yelled. "Okay, let's all calm down and talk this over in soft voices. Okay?" I said sweetly. Jimmy nodded and John just rolled over. I walked over to Jimmy and whispered something to him. Jimmy chuckled and nodded. We walked over to John's bed and I mouthed "1-2-3-Go!" and we pushed John off the bed. "What the hell!?" John yelled as he stumbled onto his feet. Everyone but John was exploding with laughter. "You guys suck!" John mumbled as he staggered into the bathroom. I got four mugs and filled them with coffee. Jimmy helped me take them to the table. "Okay, so I guess we have to talk about this. Jimmy. Very nicely done waking us up so early, and so loudly. I'm very proud." I said in a monotone voice. We all chuckled and Jimmy said "Thanks. I thought you'd like that. Well, at least once your hangover was gone." as we laughed John came out of the bathroom with a brush sticking out of his hair. John sat down at the table and drank his coffee nonchalantly. "Um, John. Do you know that your brush is still in your hair?" Jimmy asked curiously. "Really? I hadn't noticed." John said sarcastically. "The stupid freaking brush got stuck in my freaking hair and I can't f_cking get it out." John said softly. "Well, uh. Shouldn't we try to get it out? We do have a flight at noon. I doubt you want to go out in public like that." Jimmy said, fearing that John might reach over the table and punch him. "No. I'm not taking it out. Now, aren't we talking about what this idiot did to me this morning?" John said angrily. He's a complete grouch if he's woken up early, his hair isn't perfect and has a hangover. Unfortunately, he was all of those things today. We were dealing with John in his rare form, (as we liked to call him) "Jack Cass". Jack Cass was like John's other personality. The guy that is unbearable, grumpy, moody, and (let's be honest) a total jack ass. "Hey, lay off, Jack Cass!" Jimmy yelled. "Whatever, man! Just shut up, and let's get this over with. Okay?" John yelled back. "Okay, okay! Everyone, settle down!" Robert yelled waving his hand in the air, pretending to have a flag. I announced "Okay, now Jimmy. You did start it, I have to side with John for that much. But, John, you could've handled this much better. Instead of yelling and waking up Robert and I." John groaned. "Yeah!" Robert said, in the "Yeah, what he said!" kind of tone. "But, Jimmy was a total d_ck! What kind of moron wakes up a bunch of hungover musicians, at 6 in the morning!" John yelled. "Hey! We're being adults here, remember, John?" Robert scolded. We all looked at him as if to say "What the f_ck?" seeing as how Robert was the most childish out of all of us. We all burst into laughter. "Robert! Haha! Robert says we're supposed to be adults! Hahaha!" John laughed. I laughed so hard that I spilled my coffee. "Oops." I mumbled as everyone stared at me silently. Suddenly everyone burst into a roaring laughter. "No sense crying over spilt coffee!" I said with a chuckle. Jimmy got some paper towels and helped me clean the coffee up. We all hung out until 10:30 when Jimmy suggested we get ready. "Yeah, we don't want to be late. Who knows what Michael would do." I joked. I put on my faded, worn, blue bell bottom jeans and a brown shirt that read "Disco Sucks!" and I brushed out my long, wavy, brown hair. Jimmy put on a pair of dark blue jeans, a baseball t-shirt, and he scrunched his curly, dark, hair. John pulled on a white t-shirt that had a Cambell's soup can on it but it read "Cannabis" instead. He put on medium-dark blue bell bottom jeans, and still had the hair brush in his hair. Robert put on a faded green button down shirt on and dark blue jeans. He shook his head (that's how he styled his hair.) and walked out of the room. The rest of us followed behind carrying all of our bags, including Robert's. We met Michael in the lobby and left for the airport at 10:47. As we walked through the airport everyone stared at us. At first I thought it was just because we were Society. No. It was because John had a hairbrush stuck in his hair. You could hear the collective gasps and rude comments. "Well, what are you looking at!?" John yelled, knowing that he was causing quite a stir. "Please take that bloody brush out of your hair, John." Michael ordered. "I would, sir. The only problem is, it's kind of stuck." John said in a hushed voice. "Then cut it out." Michael commanded. "What!? No! I can't cut my hair! No!" John yelled, again causing people to stare. We got on the plane and hardly slept, we were so busy talking and joking. We had fun just hanging out. We were all best friends. If bandmates aren't good friends then the band won't ever make it. We used to have one day a week where we would get together and not do music, we would just hang out. It was every Friday after school we'd go to Robert's house and hang out. John of course hit on Robert's sister. We were reminiscing about those days, and that lead to John saying "Say, Robert. Is your sister still single?" Robert punched him and said "No! Not for you anyway! I know how you are man, it's one night stands and she wants "Love" or whatever. And I'd have to kill you if you hurt her." we all laughed. "But, but, she's so hot!" John whined, imitating Robert. Robert just punched him again. "Well uh, what about me? Is she single for me?" I said jokingly. "Nuh-uh! You're just as bad as him!" Robert yelled. He cared about his sister so much. I never knew much about John's family life, he didn't want to talk about it. "Maybe one day I'll find out." I thought to myself. He knew everything about my dad being a drunk and him beating my mom that one time. John decided to open up, right at that moment. "I never really told you guys much about my family, did I?" John said looking away from us. "No, not really. I knew you and your dad were real close but, it never came up." I said. For being his best friend I didn't know much about him. He told us his whole life's story on that plane ride. By the end of the flight we knew his family life inside out. We got to Alberta Canada at about 6:00. Our show started at 8:00 so we didn't have much time to spare. We hurried to the show and 8 o'clock came and we rocked. We blew these people's minds. The Canadian groupies waiting for us at the hotel were even hotter than the American ones. We each picked one. Well, except for Robert. He picked two. 

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