Introduction to Society

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  • Dedicated to Chris DeMuro (My Mother) the most important person in my life.

This is a story about a guy named Aaron Crowley. He is a lead guitarist in a british rock band called "Society". Aaron moved from Brighton to South Kensington when he was 7. When Aaron moved into the house he was found a guitar hidden in the back of his closet. Aaron took that guitar with him everywhere. One day at school, Aaron met another boy that played guitar. That boy's name was John. John taught Aaron everything he knew about guitar. The two became best friends and began playing in a local park. Playing simple songs but, with perfect harmonies. They made a good amount of money that way. Aaron saved up his money so that someday he could buy an electric guitar and amplifier. One day when Aaron came home from school, he set his guitar down on the couch as he walked into the kitchen to greet his mother. A few minutes later, Aaron's dad came flying through the front door in a drunken stupor. Aaron's father picked up the guitar and smashed it violently against the floor as Aaron cried "No! Father! Not my guitar!". His father stomped on the small pieces of wood that were left and staggered up the stairs. Aaron knelt beside the splinters that were once his beloved guitar weeping. Aaron didn't eat dinner, he just went to bed and cried himself to sleep. The next day at school Aaron told John what had happened. John gave Aaron his guitar and said "Here. Take my guitar. I've been getting more into singing anyways." John handed Aaron his electric/acoustic guitar. By the time Aaron was 10, he'd become very proficient at lead and rhythm guitar. He asked John to start a band with him. John gladly accepted. The two played together for about two years. One day a boy came up to them and asked if they were looking for a drummer. "Well, we are but, we'd have to hear you play first." John said confidently. The boy's name was Robert. Robert went to the same school as John and Aaron. The three would hang out after school and play in the school yard. John would pour his heart into his vocals, Robert drummed so energetically he dented the trashcan he was playing on and broke a drum stick, Aaron played classic blues leads that were spine-tingling. The three were a power packed trio. By the time Aaron and John were 14 (Robert was 15) the three had started playing in bars and restaurants. One night they met a guy named Paul who picked up a bass and played bass lines to a few of their songs. They asked him to join the band and Paul accepted. The group played together for about a year before Paul stopped coming to practices and sometimes even gigs. "We've got to replace Paul. I love him like a brother but, if this band's gonna go anywhere we need to get rid of him." Robert complained, the rest of the band agreed. They replaced Paul with a new bass player named Jimmy. When Paul finally showed up for rehearsal he saw Jimmy standing in his spot. Paul blew up, he started screaming "You guys can't replace me with this idiot! What the hell is wrong with you!? You'll never make it without me!" Paul stormed out of the room knocking over mic stands and guitar cases. Jimmy worked harder than any of the band members. He charted the songs and scheduled gigs. They were playing at a place called Janet's bar at least once a week. One night a man in a suit was standing in the crowd, he seemed to be analyzing the band's every move. At the end of the show the man walked up to the band and said "Hello. I'm Michael Knighton. I'm a manager. I think that your band has great talent and potential. If the right manager handles you, I think you could go straight to the top. I think I am that manager." Michael Knighton was a prestigious manager and had sent many bands to the top the bands struggled with too many personal and drug issues though. The band accepted his offer. They changed their name from "The Gang" to "Society" and began playing larger venues. They recorded their first album. They toured the U.S. promoting that album and the rest is history.

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