March, 29th, 1970

60 2 8

When I woke up at 11:38 John still had the brush in his hair and a groupie on his arm. Robert was passed out on the floor with one of the two groupies from the night before. I had no clue where the other groupie was. John was asleep in bed with a groupie who suddenly fell out of bed. Waking up, and very startled, the groupie looked at me not sure of what to say. "Oh! Um, I'm sorry if I woke you." she said nervously and surprisingly, with a british accent. "Oh, it's fine. I was already up. Are you okay?" I asked as I helped her up. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said as she fixed her messy blonde hair. "Good. Um, what part of England are you from?"  I asked scratching my head nervously, not sure what to say exactly. "Originally, Black Pool but I moved to South Kensington my freshman year of high school. You?" She said buttoning her bell bottom jeans. "I was born and raised in South Kensington too. What high school'd you go to?" I asked her. "South Kensington High School." She said. I was shocked. How did I not know this girl? "Really? I went there too! I dropped out though." I said almost giddy. I tried to keep my cool. She was really hot. "Really? Oh! Were you in that band with those kids that would play in the school yard?" She asked sounding quite happy. "Yeah! That was John, Robert, and me." I said as I sat at the table near the window and motioned for her to sit with me. She sat down and said "Wow! That's really cool, I didn't see you guys but I heard a lot about you. I saw this band called "The Gang" at a local pub once. Did you know them?" She said. I thought it was hilarious that she had come to see us and didn't know that it was us. "Well, yeah I knew them very well because that was us. That was the original "Society" but, we replaced the bassist. He was a flake." I said with a chuckle. She was quite surprised, and her face showed that. "Wow, I feel really stupid right now." she joked. "Hey, it's okay. How would you know? Say, I never got your name." I said with a flirty tone in my voice. "Oh! Right! My name is Maureen. Your's? I guess that was a stupid question, you're Aaron." she said sounding upset. I chuckled and said "Well, Maureen. It's okay, I think it's just habit to say that." I said as I took her hand. She blushed and looked up at me. We both laughed. We continued talking until John got up. "What, uh. What's goin' on here?" John said angrily. "John, we were just talking! That's all!" Maureen said defensively. "Oh yeah? Whatever." John mumbled as he poured a cup of coffee. Jimmy and Robert had gotten along quite well with Maureen. I think John was just a bit jealous. Maureen hung out with us all day, and asked if she could come to the concert with us. "Sure, I don't see a problem. There's always a few groupies backstage anyway." I said trying to get the rest of the guys to agree with me. They were fine with it. We hung out in the hotel room until 6 o'clock when we left for the show. "So, Maureen. What are you doin' in Canada?" Jimmy asked as we rode in the car. "Yeah. What's a british chick doin' here?" Robert said. Maureen laughed. "Well, I was here to go to college, but I dropped out. My parents would kill me if they knew, so I stayed here with my friend from college." Maureen said sounding a bit sad. I put my arm around her to comfort her. "Why did you drop out of school?" Robert asked. "Guys, what is this? An interrogation? Leave her alone." I said protectively. "Aaron! It's fine!" she said happily. "I dropped out because I didn't really want to be a nurse. My parents sent me to college to become a nurse and this was supposed to be the best school. So I dropped out and started waiting on tables at local pubs." Maureen told them. Just then, we pulled up to the stadium where we were playing that night. I took her hand as we walked to the dressing room. "So what's the deal with you and that chick?" Jimmy asked. "I'm not really sure, but I really like her. There's just this connection with her. You know?" I replied. Jimmy chuckled and said "I haven't seen you so happy. You really like this chick. Some might even say, you love her." Jimmy said. "Shut up, man! I don't love her." I said. "Uh-huh. Sure, whatever you say, Aaron." Jimmy said as I punched his shoulder. We got ready to go on stage and I kissed Maureen and she wished me good luck. The whole show she was standing on the side dancing to the music. It was a great show. We went back to the hotel, the lobby again filled with groupies. Robert only picked on this time. She looked like she was from the 60's, very mod. She had short dark hair, a short dress and high heels. She also had the cat-eye makeup. John picked a short blonde girl, who looked a bit like Maureen, I guess he's consistent. Jimmy chose a short brunette, she was a hippie. She had bell bottoms, long curly hair, no make up or bra, she was pretty. I took Maureen. Her long, kind of straight, blonde hair. She had grey eyes, and perfect lips. She was tall but, not too tall. She was perfect. Jimmy was right. I loved her.

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