xxiv | You Are the Best You

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Jay and Nya's date was going somewhat well.

Until he started hissing. And he ran to the bathroom and found the fangs in his mouth. This scared the living life out of him.

Meanwhile, the four ninjas stood in the middle of the park, masks up and looking around.

"Where is everybody?" Kai asked.

At that moment, everyone ran out of the Ghost Train ride screaming like they had just witnessed a murder. Somehow, nearly the entire park was there.

"Wait a minute. That ride was never scary," Cole recalled.

Knowing the answer, Zane announced, "Venomari."

Kai was worried. "Should we get Jay?"

"Let's not bother the two lovebirds." Cole swung his arm around Scarlett's shoulders. "I think we can handle this. Besides, it's good training for her."

Though it wasn't visible, she nervously smiled. "Still very scared I'm gonna get eaten alive by a snake."

"It's better you don't get involved," Zane told the ninja in red. "We need your concussion to heal so you can—"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I already know. Just go before I lament it and end up joining you anyway. I'll be awaiting news on the Bounty."

The three then proceeded to run into the entrance of the ride in order to find Pythor. Fortunately, they arrived just as he lifted the silver Fangblade into the air, which emitted a bright blue aura. It was extremely sharp at the tip.

"The first Fangblade is ours!"

In a straight line, the ninjas stood ready to battle.

Well, mostly ready. Scarlett needed that slight confidence boost, but other than that, she was good to burn some bitches.

But it was dead silent in there. Like, for a hot second nobody said a single thing.

Cole turned his head to his teammates. "Really? So like, none of you got anything?"

"I know you're not looking at me," Scarlett responded with a slight attitude. "I just got here."

Zane lightly shrugged. "I assumed we were following your lead."

"Yeah, aren't you like, the leader or something? You should be the one saying something if anything."

"Alright, damn. If I knew I'd be attacked like this I wouldn't have said a word."

Pythor sighed under his breath. "Oh dear."

The small army of snakes then growled and sneered, holding their weapons in front of them in warning. The fighting should actually commence.

The three unintentionally split up. While Zane and Cole fought them off with their blessed weapons, Scarlett was left to fend for herself with her fists and one, singular dagger strapped to her belt; Nya had given it to her so long ago, yet now was finally her next chance to use it.

She yanked it out of its mini sheath, hoping to slice the first snake she saw with her eyes closed. She felt some sort of contact, and once hearing the small screech, she knew she had done something.

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