xx | Tale of the Devourer

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Jay gripped the tip of the tallest lightning rod so tightly to make sure he wouldn't fall off. Danger was high, but his adrenaline and determination were higher.

He laughed like a maniac as he positioned himself in a one-armed handstand, allowing the horrible weather to be his strength instead of weakness. Lightning struck everywhere, and he prayed a ray would hit him. It would help greatly with resistance in the future.

"Okay, come on now... oh please, this isn't that ba—ooow ow ow ow!"

At another time during the week, Cole stood inside the small gym staring at the large weights. One at a time, he placed all six—three on each side—on the already heavy as is barbell. But that wasn't enough to test his strength. He needed more.

So he grabbed more.

Nya and Scarlett each sat on one side of the weighted barbell. The samurai held a plate of Zane's delicious chicken—which they would all be eating later on—while the ninja lifted two small 25-pound dumbbells in each hand to the best of her ability.

Both teens cheered as Cole, though with quite some effort, lifted everything with just his bare hands.

On deck just a day later, the three boys watched Zane simply sit miles underwater. Kai held a stopwatch, all three amazed at the amount of time he was gone.

"No fucking way he hit ten minutes. He just broke his own record, the guy's inhuman!"

Meanwhile, Zane opened his eyes from far under the surface of the ocean, even petting a fish passing by. Could that be considered remotely natural?

When deemed enough, he swam up to shore. He inhaled a single, quick breath, as if holding it in underwater for longer than a minute was no fantastic feat.

With the pressure getting higher the deeper he went, the ninja truly could have died. But being boys, they didn't really care much.

Jay got on his knees and immediately began bowing soon as his friend was up. "We're not worthy!"

Zane sheepishly smiled. "I broke the record?"

"You destroyed it!" Kai shouted in response.

Getting back on his feet, the ninja in blue placed a hand on the former's shoulders. "Okay, is anyone like, thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think of all we've accomplished!"

"And even Scarlett's getting better at controlling her powers," Cole added. "I mean, she definitely has a lot left to go, but we're all killing it."

"The question should be raised," Zane spoke among them once he was out of the water, "perhaps we have reached our full potential?"

They decided to put that notion to the test, heading below deck in search of their sensei. The four even began competing among themselves.

"... well, every morning I do five hundred pushups."

"Five hundred? Try a thousand."

"Ha, ha! I do a thousand and one."

"What is this, amateur hour? Sounds like my warm-up."

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