Chapter 5

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~Song of the Chapter: My Couch - Jake Miller~

George, Jessica, and Brandon stood there waiting for me or Austin explain what they just saw.

Jessica had her mouth wide open, George was staring at us and stuffing his face with popcorn at the same time, Brandon had his hands balled up into fists. I looked at Austin and he looked at me. I stood there watching Austin as he walked by Brandon and Jessica to get through them, he bumped harshly into Brandon's shoulder.

Once he left down the hall I ran the opposite way. I didn't care if I left Mika, she had them. But then I realized I came here with Brandon and I didn't have a ride.

So me being me, I decided to wait for Brandon outside the hospital.

After what seemed like forever sitting outside on the bench, I decided to leave. Just when I stood up, Brandon walked out. I caught up to him right before he got on to his motorcycle.

"Brandon" I said but it came out more as a question. I could tell I startled him because he jumped a little, reminded me when I scared Austin.

"What's up Becky." He asked, leaning against his bike.

"Isn't it obvious, I need a ride." I stated, glancing at the bike behind him.

"Oh yeah, well hop on." He smiled, handing me the helmet. I grabbed it and hopped on behind him.

* * * * *

"Thanks for the ride." I thanked Brandon. He nodded but then gave me a weird look.

"Yeah no prob, but why are you making me drop you off at Starbucks, I could've just dropped you off at your house." He said in a concerned tone.

"I uh, left my car here." I hesitated. I took the helmet off and handed it to him. "Be careful."

"I will, good night!" He waved as he drove out of the parking lot.

I searched for my keys in my pockets. I pressed the unlock button and walked towards my car. I suddenly felt like someone was following me.

I decided that it was just my imagination and kept walking towards my car. Just as I was about open the door I swear I heard someone call my name. I immediately turned around,

No one in sight.

I'm just being paranoid for no reason. I quickly got into my car and drove home.

I walked in through the front door and noticed the kitchen lights were on.

I didn't leave them on when I left.

I also noticed that when I opened the door it was unlocked, I am almost 100% sure that I locked it before I left.

I grabbed an umbrella that was by the door, just in case I had to protect myself. I slowly walked towards the kitchen. I silently stood outside the door, I could hear muffled voices. I slammed the door open and held up my umbrella. I saw someone sitting on the counter but their back was facing me so I couldn't see their face, and across from them was Austin.

He saw me and what I was doing and started laughing like a mad man.

The guy on the counter turned around and I could see it was just George.

"Woah calm down there Tiger!" George said. He gave me the nickname Tiger because when I was little I used to have a whole bunch of stuffed tigers on my bed.

They were still laughing at me and a feeling of embarrassment washed over me. I dropped the umbrella on the floor and walked out of the room.

I can't believe I just did that! I'm so stupid!!

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