Chapter 10

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~Songs of the Chapter: Fancy - Iggy Azelea | Money Make her Smile - Bruno Mars | Nana - Trey Songz | Work Hard, Play Hard - Wiz Khalifa~

I was overcome with adrenaline that I hadn't even noticed I was cut up by the glass window that Dave shot.

"Since when did you know how to shoot?" Austin asked surprised by my skills.

"That's what happens when you have an Uncle George" I smiled cheekily. Austin laughed as we drove onto the freeway.

I turned on the radio and Fancy by Iggy Azalea came on. I instantly started rapping along while Austin just stared at me. By the end of the song Austin's jaw was on the floor.

"You...are..." He started, but I was prepared for the worst " ...AMAZING! Damn, You can rap better than me!" I was taken back by his words.

"Thanks" I laughed nervously " Which reminds me, okay so you know how Disney has Radio Disney's Next Big Thing? I was wondering if you could help me shoot a video for me to submit?"

"Of course! And I know the perfect place to shoot it!" He agreed. I couldn't wait! But then I remembered I didn't have anything to wear for the video, and I certainly wasn't going to wear this, not that its not nice, but we just walked into IHOP and started shooting, I'm pretty sure the cops are going to want our description.

"But do you mind if we go shopping first?" I said in a hopeful voice.

"Of course, we can't be seen by the cops, they are going to notice we were the ones in the shooting, plus I need some new socks" He said. I felt relieved that I could finally get that off my shoulders.

Then another song came on and we both sang along. I never noticed how amazing Austin's voice was. It sounded so angelic, so sweet, and just so innocent, that your heart would just melt if you heard it.

- - - - -

After a few hours of driving and singing, we pulled up into the mall parking lot. We parked and started looking around.

"Do you wanna get something to eat and then we start shopping?" Austin suggested. I agreed and we went to the food court. Austin went into Pizza Hut while I went to Subway. As I was standing in line I was looking around and I swear I saw Brandon walking into the bathroom. But I quickly shook it off when I saw Austin coming back.

"Hey, did you order yet?" He asked with a slice of pizza in his hand and the box in the other. I shook my head and stepped back in line. He just nodded and found a table to eat his pizza.

After we ate, we started looking around the stores. I got some things from Wet Seal while Austin just wouldn't come out of Journey's. He was still deciding whether to get red socks with black dots on it, or socks that looked like pizza. And in the end, after wasting an hour of his time AND my time, he just got both. And now it was my turn to shop. As we walked into Wet Seal, Austin automatically made a weird face, but it was still cute.

"Why do I have to be here?!" Austin complained. I turned to look in the mirror in the dressing room. I had to sneak Austin in here or we would have gotten in trouble.

"Because you wasted my time, and now I'm going to waste yours" I smirked while wrapping a purple scarf around his neck and pulling his face closer to mine.

"Why do u do this to me?" He barely breathed out. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. I was going to say something but he smashed his lips into mines before I could. He pulled me onto his lap because he was being lazy and decided to sit on the bench piled with clothes I picked out. He had been watching me change for a while, I was a little insecure at first, but Austin wasn't really the type to judge. Plus, I trust him.

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