Chapter 12

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~Song of the Chapter: Apologize - One Republic~

I walked up her front door steps and just stared at the door.

Should I do it? What if she doesn't believe me? Well I wouldn't believe myself either.

Just when I was about to change my mind, the door swung open revealing Becky's dad.

"Oh hey Austin!" He greeted me.

"Its actually Carter" I corrected. He gave me a confused look but then caught on.

"Oh! Have I been saying your name wrong this whole time?!" He exclaimed with a bit of embarrassment in his voice. I just smiled and shook my head.

"So are you here to see Becky?" He asked. I nodded as he held the door open for me to come in. He had a briefcase in his hand so I guess he was on his way to work.

"Becky! Your friend is here!" He shouted up the stairs. I stood there awkwardly by the door as he turned around and smiled at me.

"She'll be down in a sec. Do you want something to eat or drink?" He asked me while lying his briefcase on the table and walking into the kitchen.

"No thank you" I replied.

"Okay well I have to get to work so I guess I'll see you two later" He walked out of the kitchen, grabbed his briefcase and left. I just stood there waiting for Becky.

"Hey, did you do-" She stopped talking when she noticed it was me. I couldn't help but notice all her features. Her small delicate petite body, her curly black hair that just seemed to fall perfectly into place, her small pink lips, but then I noticed the tears forming in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Becky" I managed to say. It was hard to speak with the big lump in my throat, I knew that if I tried to speak again I would just break down in tears.

"W-what do y-you want?" She stuttered. I took in a deep breath and tried swallow the lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I never should have dragged you into this mess because I knew we were going to come out hurt. I'm sorry for lying to you. I should've told you about my name and my tattoos and-and...I'm sorry" I finished with a sigh. She just stood there on the last step, looking at the floor. I heard a faint sigh come out of her mouth as she sat on the last step.

"Becky?" I asked again.

"Get out" She said quietly. I stood there in shock.

"C'mon Becky, you don't-" I walked closer to her but then she cut me off.

"I SAID GET OUT!" She snapped. I caught a glimpse of her face and saw that her eyes were red and puffy like mine.

"Please, just let me explain!" I pleaded. "Brandon isn't the guy he says he is!"

"And you are?? Carter, you lied to me. I don't care about anything you have to say, because its probably just more lies. So just do us both a favor and get out" She said calmly without looking up at me. I was going to say something else but its not like she's going to believe me...just like Brandon said. So I walked out of her house and started back to the school because I had left my car there. But before I walked off her lawn I just needed to know one more thing, so I rushed back.

"Wait! I have to say one more thing!" I yelled as I swung the door open and saw Becky in the same position as she was when I left.

"Okay, I'm not listening" She mumbled.

"Are you still a virgin?" I managed to say. She looked up at me like I was crazy.

"What?! can you just leave? Please?" She asked, so I did.

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