Chapter 33

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The first shot fired was from one of Michael's men, nearly hitting Jeffery before Isaac shoved him to the ground. "You okay Jeff?" Isaac asked. Jeff nodded, "I'm fine. NOW LET'S KILL SOME BITCHES!" Jeff ran behind a huge rock and climbed up, giving him the perfect view to throw his pocket knife at one of the guys. Hoping to hit one of them, Jeff threw the pocket knife and it was stuck in one of the guys legs. "That boy will die first!" the man with the stabbed leg said, running up to Jeff, before being knocked down by Ivy. "Jeff run!" Ivy yelled, keeping the man down, while punching him in the nose. Two other guys ambushed Marceline and C.J., who was crying. "You hurt the kid then you get your ass kicked!" Marceline said, pushing one of the men into a tree, making him fall on a huge rock. Samuel ran over and knocked the other guy upside the head with the end of his gun. "Marcy you okay?" he asked, kneeling next to her. Marceline nodded, "I'm fine, one of those douches tried to attack C.J." "C.J., stay with Marceline okay?" Samuel said, helping C.J. up off the ground. C.J. nodded and wiped away his tears. "Be brave okay," Marceline said, handing C.J. one of the men's knives. C.J. gripped the knife and ran to attack the tires of the car. 

Marceline was grabbed by her shirt collar and thrown across the field, nearly being knocked out. Her arm broke her fall and she grabbed a huge rock and jammed it in the man's forehead, making him black out so she could help Isaac. Jeff punched two of the men and cut one of them on the collar bone. The man bent over, holding where his cut was and Jeff took that opportunity to kick the man in the shins. "Ivy, you need any help?!" Jeff called near Ivy. Ivy shook her head, "No, I can handle myself Jeffery." Jeff shrugged and kicked the same guy continuously. The man stood up and punched Jeff in the stomach, falling on a rock with a loud thud. The man took out his gun to shoot Jeff, but was tackled down by Samuel. "Jeff, go help the others! I'll keep him down!" Samuel yelled, jamming his elbow in the mans spine. The man yelled in pain and threw Samuel off him. Ivy ran up with her knife and jammed it in the mans arm, making him pull the trigger on his gun, the bullet firing near Isaac. Isaac ran past the bullet, making it crack a rock in half. "Oh shit, you almost died," Marceline said. "Ivy look out!" C.J. yelled, racing to the man about to shoot, but he was too late. Ivy looked behind her and felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down and fell over, as a dark red stain formed on her orange Crush soda t-shirt. "Ivy oh my god!!" Samuel screamed, tackling the man who shot her. Samuel pulled the trigger on his gun, shooting the man in the leg. "You little bitch!" the man screamed. "Who else wants a bruised  leg?!" Samuel yelled. The men backed up and started the car, but thanks to C.J. the tires were all deflated. "I've called the cops with Ivy's phone," C.J. began. "And you'll get what you deserve." 

"Ivy... are you..." Isaac couldn't finish his sentence. Ivy looked up and felt it hard to breathe. "What happened?" she asked, trying to get up. "One of those bastards shot you, but Samuel tackled and shot the one who did it. He's not dead, just can't use his right leg now," Jeff said. Isaac felt a cold sweat down his face, then realized he was crying. "Isaac don't cry," Ivy said, smiling. "How? You're about to die Ivy!" Isaac said, covering his eyes with his hand. "Isaac, don't worry about me," Ivy said, a bit quieter. Isaac saw that Marceline was crying as well. "Marcy don't cry, I'll be okay," Ivy said, putting her hand on Marceline's hand. Marceline sighed and looked at Isaac. Isaac kissed Ivy one last time and Ivy closed her eyes, and died. C.J. couldn't stop sobbing and even Jeff was getting misty eyed. "No, no no! Please not her! No! You don't deserve to die!" Marceline cried as she buried her face in her hands as she sat on the ground, sobbing. "I'm so sorry Marceline, I'm so sorry," Samuel said, as he comforted her. Isaac looked down at Ivy, and then he heard police sirens in the distance. "We have to keep moving, it's what she would've wanted," Isaac said, wiping his tears away. "Isaac, are you okay?" Marceline asked, comforting him. Isaac shrugged, "I'll be okay, it just, it happened so fast." "I know, but, like you said. We have to keep moving," Jeff said, hugging his friend. "Jeff?" Isaac asked. "Yeah?" Jeff replied. "Promise me something, you wont lose your temper when we get back to America?" Isaac said, clinging to Jeff. Jeff nodded and they began to walk. Marceline just sat next to Ivy's corpse and cried. Samuel helped her up and Marceline wrapped her arms around him, as heavy tears flowed down her face. "I'm here," Samuel said, as he held her close. "Samuel, I don't want to die, not like this. Fourteen years isn't enough time," Marceline whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'll make sure we all stay alive. If anyone tries to hurt you, they'll see the hatred side of me," Samuel said, putting his gun back in his pocket. 

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