Chapter Six

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The end of the day was a relief for all four rouges. The showers were packed and the kitchen was blowing up with hungry kids. Isaac was the first to shower and eat, then Marceline, then Jeff, and so on. Soon the light towers went off and so did the power and the kids had to sleep for the night. "I can't sleep, who's with me?" Jeff asked, staring at the ceiling, lying on his bed. Isaac, who was very tired and felt like a drunken sailor, said while he raised his hand, "Me." Marceline joined in and so did C.J. "I just want to lie down but I also want to run or something," C.J. said, with his baseball hat over his eyes. Marceline shrugged, "Maybe you're just really energetic C.J.?" C.J. shrugged and rolled over on his left side and looked out the window. "Anyone wonder what's out there, outside the bars?" C.J. asked in a whisper. Isaac closed his eyes, "I don't know, but there was something that made one of the light towers go off about three nights ago. It woke up everyone. Anyone else see that at night?" Jeff's eyes grew wide and shot up in bed, saying, "That same night... I saw something jump over the bars and run into the huge ass abandoned sunflower field." Marceline looked at Jeff and asked, "What was it?" He shrugged, "Dunno, but the thing looked like a kid, a teenage boy. I thought I was dreaming because I thought he was Peter Pan because he was jumping over a bunch of shit and his legs were really fucking long." Isaac rolled over and said, "I'm going to bed so... night you guys." Everyone went to sleep around midnight, but they only got six hours of sleep.

The next morning was a lot better because they finally got used to the schedule. Only Marceline didn't get much sleep again. She did this when she lived with her grandparents before they sent her away to the camp. Of course though she was still full of energy in the morning. Isaac was well rested because he fell asleep first, and C.J. was used to it because he had been there for almost two years. He would be turning eight in a week and nobody celebrated birthdays at the camp, it was all training and discipline. Jeff was still a zombie because he stayed up looking out the window.

After roll call, the kids were assigned partners to jump hurdles. The first team of two or three, wins. Isaac and Marceline were a team, then Jeff and C.J. They didn't like being against each other, but it was life and training, or they got no meal at the end of the day. The first training spot was heralds. They were simple if you knew how to jump that is. But of course it was hell for Isaac because he never jumped or ran before. Every time he tried to jump, it was horrible. "Damn it! I can't do this right!" he yelled, catching his breath. "Dude, you at least beat the other teams," Marceline said trying to cheer him up. "Yeah, because you took track and cross country in middle school, I however didn't." Marceline was about to punch Isaac at this point. She hated it when he was sarcastic, because he was never a sarcastic kid, he was always a good and mature kid. But he of course didn't like being under pressure and he would get sarcastic when he got mad. But Isaac was doing it more frequently than usual.

Finally the training stopped, and the kids were free to do whatever for the rest of the day. The four rouges took this as time to work on the tunnel. And it gave C.J. a chance to sneak into the storage room and get the ladder's, and maybe lunch. He couldn't go alone, so he made Isaac go with him. "Dude, no offense but you're almost eight and you stole an AK-47 from a museum, why can't you go on your own?" Isaac asked, following C.J. to the storage facility. C.J. sighed and explained, "If I go alone, I'll get caught, and maybe get lynched. So please help me on this one Isaac." Isaac looked at C.J. with an odd look on his face and asked, "Lynched? DO you even know what lynched means?" C.J. shook his head, "Nope, but the kids use it a lot." Isaac sighed, pinching the crease between his dark red eyebrows and said, "C.J., lynched means to be killed or hanged." "Ooooh, okay makes sense now," C.J. said. 

Once they made it to the large door to the facility, Isaac used the key and opened the door, slowly. And crawled underneath it, with C.J. trotting behind. "Now Isaac, lets not be idiots and make a lot of noise, some of the guards come here for their lunch break," C.J. said walking slowly and silently. Isaac nodded, "Yeah, I think I can hear one of them snoring." They soon came to a room filled with boxes and ovens and generators. "This is it, now search these boxes for latter's," C.J. said, walking around.

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