Chapter 32

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The group packed up any left over food and headed for the airport minutes after they all finished. They all ran for the woods and found a trail that was closer to the airport than they thought. The afternoon was very peaceful, the trees had leaves again, the snow was starting to melt off a little, and even though it was cold it still felt better than a humid Subway. "This is nice," Isaac said, taking in a deep breath. "Just don't inhale it too much. Mold and other shit is in the air and I can just smell it," Samuel said, sneezing. "You allergic to mold too?" Jeff asked. Samuel nodded, "Yep, and pollen, grass, trees, ragweed, and I think also bee stings." "Damn you got it better than me, I have allergies so bad that I can't go outside much without nasil spray," Jeff said, taking the hood from his hoodie off his head. Jeff's hair was shaved a little on the sides and really frizzy on top, like most boys his age that had the same haircut. "Hey Jeff, your hair's growing out again," Isaac said, messing up Jeff's hair. "Dude come on, leave the weave alone!" Jeff joked. Marceline and Ivy both laughed. "He always like that?" Ivy asked. Marceline nodded, "Yeah, his mom wore hair extensions and he called them a weave." Ivy laughed again, "Hat sie sogar ihre Haare ausgezogen? Or was she too lazy to let it grow?" "I don't speak German Ivy," Marceline said. "Oh sorry, I mean did she even try to grow out her hair?" Ivy asked in English this time. Marceline nodded, "Once, but she kept "shedding" and decided to just wear extensions." "Can we stop talking about my dead Filipino mom please?" Jeff asked, fixing his hair. The girls both nodded and they continued on the trail.

The day went by faster than before and the sun soon began to go down behind the purple mountains. The trees looked bare, the snow stopped melting, and the sky was now a combination of blue and purple. As the group walked it began to snow again, and it was coming down faster and with bigger flurries than a few weeks ago. "Okay, what kind of fuckery is this?" Marceline asked, clinging to her shirt sleeves tightly. "It's called Germany weather, Marcy. This happens the closer we are to the mountains," Ivy said shivering. Isaac stayed next to C.J., who looked like he was going to pass out soon. "Hey C.J., need a lift?" Isaac asked. C.J. nodded and was lifted on Isaac's shoulders, and then C.J. fell asleep. "It's not even eight yet, and that kid's already asleep?" Jeff said sarcastically. "I'm tired Jeff," C.J. mumbled with his eyes still closed. Isaac laughed, "Just rest okay Carson? You'll be fine, plus we're closer to the airport this way." They walked a few more blocks and came to a fork in the trees.

"Well shit, which way is which?" Jeff asked in disappointment. "I think I can see lights down the right, maybe the airport's that way?" Ivy wondered, starting down that path. Samuel got bad vibes from the right path and stopped Ivy in her tracks. "Hold up, a red flag went up in my mind. Something tells me we might get killed down there if we go. I think that the left path is safer," he said, looking straight ahead at the path. "But the lights Samuel, they have to belong to the airport," Ivy said, letting go of Samuel's hand. "Ivy hold up!" Isaac called, running after her. "Should we follow?" Jeff asked. "Jeff really?" Marceline asked. "I'm just saying, Isaac is a tough guy. He can drag her back this way no problem," Jeff said. Marceline rolled her eyes and ran after Isaac and Ivy. Soon Samuel made Jeff follow behind, even if he had to drag him by the arms on the dirt.

The three teenagers ran and ran until they found Isaac and Ivy staring at the rock pile in front of them. "You guys okay?" Samuel asked. "Samuel, get your gun ready," Isaac said, guarding Ivy. "What is it?" Marceline asked, getting out her switch blade. "Ivy heard something coming from the left path, and that path just leads here to a random circle in the woods. And the lights are getting closer to us than we are to them," Isaac explained, setting C.J. on the ground. "I'll go and see if the lights are near us, you guys watch C.J. Make sure he doesn't get hurt," Jeff said, grabbing a Swiss army knife out of his back pocket. "Uh Jeff, how long have you had that?" Samuel asked. "A while, found it in that weird masked guys jacket pocket," Jeff said, waving the knife in his hands. "You pick pocketed a serial killer?!" C.J. yelled. "Oh relax, he was out cold when I grabbed it, almost like he was dead ass asleep," Jeff said, being a little too cocky. Jeff walked down the path a bit further, then stopped and saw that the lights were a police car. "Guys, it's the fuzz," he said running back. They were too scared to move as the vehicle got closer, then stopped in front of the rock pile. They all looked up at the police man behind the wheel and noticed something off about him. He had a weird neck tattoo that symbolized a  bleeding red rose. He got out and wasn't wearing any sign of a police man uniform. "That... tattoo..." Samuel hesitated. "What?" Marceline asked, her large blue eyes in shock. "Is it? Michael, you son of a bitch is that you?!" Samuel yelled. The man got closer and grabbed Isaac by his shirt collar and three more guys hopped out of the car. 

"Congratulations kids, you found the Bloody Roses. Well, what's left of us. Many were given the death penalty in prison. But us, we were able to escape easily," the man said, dropping Isaac to the ground. "Look how hungry you all look, want a taste of bullets or knives to take it away?" one of the men said, taking out his gun and switch blade. "Actually, I think I owe one of you men a good knuckle sandwich for killing one of our friends you cheeky bastards," Jeff said gritting his teeth. "You, young man, look just like Michael. Only tanner and no bruises or slap marks on your faces," the man that got out his weapons said. "Who the fuck are you people?!" Marceline remarked, opening her blade. "Oh, and I see that Timothy was right about a little girl. Two actually. I thought he was pulling our legs," the man that had dropped Isaac said. "Well he's dead you asshole!" Ivy yelled. "Oh really?" a voice called from the car. That same man walked out with a bandage over his right eye and a huge scar on his forehead. "Oh shit balls man, we're dead," Jeff said. "You'll never come near us without death staring you in the face first!" Samuel yelled, loading his gun. "Oh really? if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get," the main man said, loading his gun. Marceline looked at Jeff and asked, "Wait, how do they know you?" Jeff sighed and said, "My uncle did some dumb shit when he was younger, he killed an innocent family, but their kid got away. He started a gang of ten men, but over half were killed. And now, Samuel, I think you're that kid... I think that, they're here for you. But I, I've been a bitch to you and, you don't deserve any of this. So now, I'm getting rid of this once and for all." Jeff looked at the four men and said, "You wanna fight with a bunch of troubled teens and a eight-year-old? BRING IT ON!"

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