Chapter Twelve

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The train whistle let out a large blow, scaring the living soul out of Isaac, who slept on a crate. "What happened? Who got shot?!" Isaac screamed, waking everyone up. "Dude, it's just the train whistle," C.J. said yawning. Isaac sighed with relief, and went over to help Marceline wake up. "Hey, Marcy wake up, were here," Isaac said, shaking her by the shoulders. Marceline woke up and gave Isaac the look to stop shaking her by the shoulders. Isaac set her down and she slowly woke up. "Where are we?" she asked, with a tired expression on her face. Samuel looked at the destination on a nearby map and read it to himself. "Were in Brighton," he said. "And the nearest train station from here is twenty miles away. Or a few hours or even a day on foot," Isaac explained. As the group got off the caboose, Samuel looked over at Marceline and asked, "Sleep well?" She shrugged, "Well I slept on a fucking coffee bean bag so, not really. Then again the wind made me fall asleep faster than I thought." Samuel laughed, "Yeah, i slept on a crate and it caved in around midnight, so I had to sleep on the floor since my bony white ass was stuck in the crates opening." Marceline snickered and said, "I had no clue that you'd be a joker." "Got it from my aunt Wendy," Samuel said in his best Western accent, since he didn't have an actual one. 

Once they got out to the train station's exit, C.J. saw a bus, leaving the station on a nearby road and he darted towards it. "C.J.!! Come back!" Isaac called out "Not again," Jeff moaned as he caught up with the group. They followed C.J. through the large crowd and made it to the bus. "Come one!" he called, climbing a latter that led to the roof of the bus. "We can't C.J.! Plus don't you have a sprained ankle?" Jeff asked. "Yes. but I'm not a sissy like Isaac over here," he said, climbing up the latter. Isaac clenched his fists and walked over to the latter and climbed up. Soon they all followed and came to the large range of seats. Marceline looked around and saw a small row of seats and polls, so some could stand and others could sit. "What about there?" she asked, pointing to the seats. Isaac nodded and sat down. Jeff stood, because his legs were stiff, but C.J. sat because he really had to pee. Marceline stood and Samuel stood in the row next to Isaac. Isaac looked over at Samuel and asked, "Hey... you want my seat?" "I'm fine," Samuel  responded, causally as he looked out the window in the cramped bus. "Dude you helped us get to a decent trail, plus you can protect us, just take it, I hate seeing people having to stand on their own," Isaac said, as he began to stand up in the row.  Samuel thought for a moment, then he got up and traded with Isaac. 

The bus was oddly quiet, the only bit of noise was the traffic, the phones buzzing, and the radio playing "Crosses" by Jose Gonzalez. Jeff looked out the window, then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Samuel about to speak to him. But Jeff didn't want to hear anything, he still wasn't over what happened at the barn. "Hey Jeff, this might be a personal question but, how come you wear a woven ankle bracelet?" Jeff didn't respond, he just snubbed Samuel off by looking out the window, but clearly rolling his eyes as well. "Sorry for asking, I guess," Samuel said, as he looked down at his feet. Jeff saw the look on Samuel's face, then mumbled, "Trevor gave it to me." Who's Trevor?" Samuel asked, examining the bracelet on Jeff's left ankle. "None of your fucking business, that's who, bitch," Jeff remarked, as he slightly turned his head to sound serious. "Be nice Jeff," Isaac demanded, as he cleaned off his glasses with his shirt. Jeff rolled his eyes and said, "Why should I? I mean, he tried to shoot Marceline Isaac." "I have a pellet gun Jeff, it wouldn't kill anything but a rabbit or a rat," Samuel said, showing Jeff the small pellets he had in his hands. Jeff snubbed Samuel again and looked up at Isaac in an annoyed way. Isaac simply flipped Jeff off as he pushed up his glasses, mouthing the words, "Quit being a bastard and fucking talk to him!" Jeff didn't listen, he just looked out the window, but he pulled his left pant leg down to cover his ankle bracelet. Samuel didn't know what to think, he felt like he'd insulted Jeff by just asking who Trevor was and why he gave him the bracelet. But Jeff didn't care one bit how Samuel felt, even if Samuel is a harmless person, Jeff still didn't like him. Mainly because Samuel was such a handsome guy, it was almost sicking for Jeff to look at him. 

The morning went by fast and the bus came to a stop about a mile near the port. The four teenagers, plus C.J., made their way down to the port. Soon they came to the ports open gates, where there was no security in sight, or so they thought. C.J. was about to  walk straight in, but Marceline grabbed him by the sleeve of his t-shirt, keeping him fro being seen. "What? We're here aren't we? Lets go!" C.J. said, pulling away from her grasp. Isaac got in his way, making him trip over his hurt ankle. "There is a security guard right there, if you walk in there, you could get arrested," Isaac said, helping C.J. off the boardwalk. C.J. thought about it, then he backed up and stayed behind Marceline, since now he knew he'd steamed up Isaac and the others. "Now what? Do we come up with a plan or what?" Jeff asked, sitting on the deck's flooring. Samuel thought, then began to speak, "What if we create a distraction so the guard leaves his position. Marceline, are you fast?" "Yeah, I guess-" "She was first place in all our track and cross country meets." Isaac blurted, interrupting Marceline. Samuel went back to his plan and said, "If Marceline could run near the gate entrance, she could motion  C.J. to crawl under the small desk and open the hatch, letting in any shipments that needed to be emptied. And Jeff, you and Isaac could give a signal to run to a ship near by." Isaac thought for a second, then nodded. "Yeah that sounds like a good plan, lets do it!" Samuel motioned for his new friends to hide behind a small corridor and waited for the guards to leave, then the plan went into motion. But Jeff still didn't like Samuel, even though Samuel didn't seem to have a mean bone in his body. But Jeff didn't know what Samuel'd been through, so Jeff's hatred for Samuel was only growing. 

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