Chapter 14

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The boat was being swept back and forth by the waves of the glassy sea. The only signs of sound that were around was the waves crashing on the sides of the boat, the sudden gusts of cold wind, and the sounds of footsteps by the crew members on the ship. The five friends rested soundly hiding under the tarp that was containing shipments. It was freezing cold, because of the change of direction and the winds blew in the direction of the boat, causing the cold breeze to make things worse. But for Isaac, it reminded him of autumn in Utah, and how the wind would blow into his bedroom window at night. But the once gentile breeze turned into a large gust of wind, blowing the tarp up and off the ground. The only one out of the group that was really freezing after the tarp blew off the crates, was C.J., who was wearing a short sleeve shirt with shorts and white tennis shoes with no socks. 

"It's f-freezing out h-here!" C.J. said, chattering his teeth. Samuel woke up at the sound of the tarp being caught in the winds, and tried to calm down C.J. But that just made things worse. Soon Jeff, Isaac, and Marceline woke up and were cold too. "Well, this is just great! We're all freezing our asses off while the ship crew sleeps in a heated room," Jeff said, moving closer to Isaac. "Whoa Jeff, we both know that we're not gay, so lets not go gay for each other, K?" Isaac said, scooting closer to Marceline. "What the fuck man?! I'm not gay for- can we please just huddle up or something?"Jeff said, moving next to C.J. C.J. grabbed onto Samuel's vest and put on his back. "C.J., give Samuel his vest back!" Isaac scolded. C.J. rolled his eyes and put his hat over his eyes. Jeff knelt down next to C.J. and tried to take the vest off him. Samuel stopped his hand and said, "Let 'em have it, after all, he's wearing shorts and a t-shirt. " "So is Isaac? And if Isaac can survive cold weather, so can he!" Jeff said. Marceline sighed and went back to sleep, wondering how she ended up dealing with a bunch of boys fighting over a vest.

Jeff nudged her arm and she woke up again. "What is it Jeff?" she asked, half awake with her blue eyes squinted in an annoyed manner. "Can we share your hoodie, please?" he asked, sitting next to her. Marceline looked and saw that Jeff gave his Marlon Monroe hoodie to Isaac, who was fast asleep next to C.J. who had his face covered by his baseball hat. Marceline sighed and nodded. She took off her hoodie, revealing a blue and black, long-sleeved shirt. She spread out the hoodie over them, and Jeff was out in an instant, that and he rolled over and hogged the entire hoodie. Marceline rolled her eyes and rolled over on her side, trying to sleep. And once the boats light went off, she was asleep, but she was also shivering. The winds soon died down and the waved stopped crashing onto the sides of the boat. And all was quiet.

Marceline heard a faint noise and felt a warm, bright light hit her in the face. She woke up and saw a flock of seagulls fly by and the sun was rising in the distance, revealing a city and a port. She got out of her spot, and watched the sun rise. Samuel woke up and saw Marceline looking out of the tarp. Samuel got up, and sat next to her, wondering why she was up so early. "Hi," he faintly said. Marceline turned her head and saw him, sitting next to her, but she didn't say anything. "Did you sleep okay?" he asked her, looking at her this time. Marceline nodded, with her eyes on the sunrise. Samuel thought this was getting awkward, so he tried to change the subject. "I uh, I like your shirt," he said, but Marceline didn't say a word. Then he saw why, she was blushing a bit. "Did something happen last night?" he asked, scooting close to her. Marceline sighed and spoke, "It felt awkward sharing  my hoodie with Jeff, he sleep kicks, and I'm pretty sure he humped the floor around midnight." Samuel giggled a bit, "He humped the floor? Oh that's great," he said, sarcastically. Marceline laughed and locked eyes with Samuel. "You know... I thought that you were going to kill us back at the barn, but you were generally nice to us. I mean, you helped us escape, we chatted on the train, and you gave C.J. your vest when he was freezing. What I'm trying to say is that... you're a real sweet guy." Samuel smiled and watched the sunrise, thinking to himself, "Holy shit, she accepts me as a friend. WOO!"

Soon, Isaac woke up, then C.J., and finally Jeff. They all saw Marceline and Samuel, watching the sun rise, and being oddly close together. "Well, well, well, it seems that you two hit it off, aye, aye?" Jeff said. Marceline rolled her eyes in embarrassment, and sat down near some crates. "Jeff, don't be a prick to her okay?" Isaac said. "So what, it's funny to see her reaction? Also did you hump the floor last night?" Jeff said. Isaac rolled his eyes, "NO. That was you!" Jeff smirked, "Oh... okay... pervert." "That's pot calling the kettle black Jeff, and we both know it was you," Isaac mumbled. "OKIE, I hate to stop the talk but the ship has reached land," C.J. said. Everyone darted out of the tarp and ran to the back of the ship, and jumped onto the boardwalk. "Okay, we should find a bus stop or sign to see where we are," Jeff said, looking around. "Isaac, did he hump the floor?" C.J. asked. Isaac shrugged, "I don't know, but if he did, he probably regrets it. Plus, he liked Marceline in the 6th grade, but he's over her now. I think?" Marceline over heard the conversation and interrupted, "Lets not talk about 6th grade please? I hated Jeff, but now he's one of my closest friends." Isaac nodded and they all sneaked out of the port, and made to the next bus stop. Jeff looked over at Samuel and asked, "You like her?" "Who?" Samuel asked. "The only fucking girl that's with us right now?" Jeff said, as he slowed down to give Samuel a hard time. Samuel shrugged, "Sure, but as a friend. She's nice, oddly hilarious, and she seems to be a pretty smart girl. Which I can see by the way she acts." "She was in advanced history and lit last year dude, also how old are you?" Jeff asked. "I was born in 97, that should explain it for you," Samuel said, as he caught up with Isaac. Jeff followed behind, still badgering to Samuel the entire walk to the bust station. 

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