Chapter 25

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The snow began to fall faster and the grass was a complete white. The trees had lost all of their leaves, and a few squirrels were roaming the woods. And as two months had passed, December was close by, and even if it was mid November, the snow in Germany was afoot. The group followed Ivy, who was using a lighter as a light source to get to the small Burger King nearby. C.J. kept replaying Bear's death in his head, he saw people get hurt but never killed. Isaac felt horrible for Ivy, she'd already been through a rough time with her mom dying and them moving everywhere. Jeff was worried that Marceline was going to commit suicide because of her behavior, but to tell the truth, she was really just sad and scared. Samuel didn't know what to think, he would've been killed and Marceline would've been kidnapped. And he wouldn't be there to save her, or anyone else there.

"Are we almost there Ivy?" C.J. asked, clinging to Samuel's left sweatshirt sleeve from feeling the bitter cold. Ivy slowly nodded, "Yeah, it's just up the hill past the street lamp." They all looked around and saw a few rabbits dash past them, and a few birds kept circling them. "I'm a little freaked out guys," Isaac said, walking near Jeff and Ivy. Jeff nodded, "Because we're all shocked about seeing a good man die, and seeing Samuel almost getting kidnapped or killed." "Can we not talk about that please? I'm about to cry because I can't take the fact that we saw someone die today," Marceline said, looking down. "I see the Burger King sign, we're literally standing in the parking lot," Ivy said, closing her lighter. Samuel shoved his hands in his jeans pockets and watched the snow fall, as the flakes landed in his burnt umber curls. "It's actually a little nice outside," he said, pausing in his steps. "Oh sure it is Samuel, we just saw a man die and you're happy that it's snowing?" Jeff said, crossing his arms.

"What? At least we're near food and possible shelter," Samuel remarked, trying not to feel uneasy from the night they'd had. 

"Yeah, but why are you so calm man?" Jeff asked, throwing his arms in the air. 

"Because we're safe, and lets try not to make Marceline feel anymore shaken up than she already is Jeffery," Samuel remarked, looking over at Marceline with concern. 

"Oh look who's talking!"

"What? I'm just saying Jeffery!"

"Well, what's your damage Samuel?! Are you saying that we're 'scaring' you?!"

Marceline stepped in front of Jeff and Samuel.

"Jeff please stop!" Marceline said, trying not get Jeff any more steamed up than he already was. 

"What do you know Marceline?! You're just as scared as all of us!"

"Jeff, please leave her alone."

"No Samuel, you listen here. Life was great until you had to come in and mess shit up! And now someone is dead because of you!"

"Jeff leave him alone!"

"Marceline stay out of this! And Samuel, how about you hop onto a train and catch a magical ride to Utopia!"

Samuel looked at Jeff in shock, and had no idea how to respond to Jeff's remark. "Jeff are you fucking kidding me?" Marceline yelled out of silence. She looked at Samuel who had his gun pointed at his head, with tears forming in his eyes. "Samuel... what are you?" Marceline asked. Samuel didn't even speak, he just ran into the woods, and fast. Like a rabbit sprinting away from a snake about to devour it. "Samuel wait!" Marceline yelled, running after him. Ivy looked over at Jeff, and slapped him, dead on his right cheek. "What was that for Ivy?!" Jeff yelled. "Uh are you fucking blind? You just made a poor kid feel like shit! And guess what, he's lost everything. And you say it's his fault? You're a sick person Jeff, you're sick in the head!" Ivy screamed. "Ivy calm down," Isaac said, reaching for her shoulder. "No, Jeff needs to learn that you can't make someone feel like shit after what has just happened! You don't know what is going through Sam's mind Jeff! So why should you have a say in what he does and what he should do?!" Ivy yelled, slapping Jeff again. "Think about it Jeff, before I burn your nose with a lit cigarette."

"Samuel, where are you!" Marceline yelled in the forest, as she ran further in, following the tennis shoe prints from Samuel. "I'm here," Samuel mumbled, from behind a snow covered pine tree. "Please don't kill yourself Samuel, Jeff's being a dick bag like always," Marceline said, sitting next to Samuel. "Why can't we just move on? Why does Jeff have to blame me for shit that happens that I can't, fucking control?!" Samuel yelled, burying his head in his knees. "Hey, it's okay Samuel. Look we're all scared and confused, and we all just want to go home. I know that my depression has kicked in and made me feel like a load of shit. But we can't do this without you, well I can't at least. You're like, the most reasonable person that I've met Samuel. Please never stop seeing that," Marceline said, reaching out her hand to help Samuel up off the snowy ground. "Okay, I'll try not to get any dumb ideas, but at least punch Jeff for me?" Samuel asked as he followed Marceline out of the woods to meet up with the others. "Oh I think that Ivy already took care of that for you," Marceline said, seeing Jeff with a huge red hand print on his right cheek.

They all walked in and cleaned up in the bathrooms. Ivy sent C.J. to just get six chicken sandwiches and keep any change that the guy gives him back. "So Marceline, did you kiss Samuel to make him feel better?" Ivy asked, changing her snow covered and ripped up shirt. Marceline shook her head, "No, I just told him that he means a lot to me. Like as a really good friend." "That's bull shit Marcy, no offense but you two should kiss," Ivy said, handing Marceline a new shirt. "What? I'm just saying that I don't like him that way. I mean, he's quite handsome but I don't see it happening. Plus, who'd date me? I'm literally the definition of somebody who'd fuck everything up in a relationship. I've done it with friends, and I might do it with my future partner." Marceline said, tying her sweatshirt around her waist. "Well, I don't think of you like that. I think that since you're so artistic and poetic, you'll have a chance some day. Plus I mean, Samuel is pretty fond of you. Just by the way he talks to you and treats you like an old friend," Ivy said, unlocking the bathroom door. Marceline shrugged, "Well, he is sweet, and really humorous, but he deserves better than me. That and I've had some fucked up trauma in eighth grade. My friend Archie had a crush on me that I didn't know was so big to the point of him, well..." Marceline paused in her words and said, "Forget it. Let's just go eat food. I'm starving."  Ivy nodded and followed Marceline out of the bathroom.

"Hey ladies, over here!" Isaac called, sitting at a huge booth with the other boys. The girls sat down and ate their food. "So, Sam you feel better?" Ivy asked, taking a sip of her water. Samuel nodded, "Yeah, I just hope that we can move on soon." "Hey, we all want that bud," Isaac began, "But it's hard, I mean, you know. We all lost a good man to some sociopath that want's to kidnap you and possibly kill you if you don't give him what he wants." "That's some motivational shit right there Isaac," Jeff joked as he bit into his fries. Isaac rolled his eyes and said to Samuel, "Ignore him for as long as you need too man." "Well, I hope that we'll be safe tonight. After all, we all have our stuff. And some food and money so we might be okay?" C.J. said. "I'm just glad we have food,"Jeff said, as he ate his fries. They all laughed a little and soon headed out for whatever awaits for them. But as they left the restaurant, Ivy noticed that Isaac had a very attractive look to him. The way the light hit his features was almost something out of a painting. But she just focused on walking somewhere safe, as she held Marceline's hand and tried to stay warm from the cold. Marceline put an arm around Ivy and said, "Hey, I'm used to this weather. But you could use some warmth." 

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