Chapter Three

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Marceline couldn't sleep that night, she kept having the robbery replay in her head. Finally she went to sleep. Isaac woke up and whispered, "Hey Marcy, you still have your iPod with you?" Marceline rolled over on her side, facing Isaac and asked, "Why do you want it?" "Can't sleep," he said. Marceline rolled her eyes and pulled her bag from under the bed and dug for her iPod and earbuds. She kept digging until she saw a piece of pastel blue metal shimmering in the moonlight. Marceline handed it to Isaac and dug for the earbuds, once she found those, she handed them both to him and rolled back over. Once Isaac put in the earbuds, she rolled over again and asked, "You mind if I listen with you?" Isaac nodded and handed her the left earbud. Marceline put it in her ear and waited for Isaac to turn on the small, pastel blue iPod. Once he turned it on, the first song that came on was Santa Monica Dream, by Angus and Julia Stone. They both loved this song since the day it came out in 2010. They could relate to it because Jeff's best friend Trevor had run away with his sister to Santa Monica after his parents hated him for coming out as bisexual. So, his older sister decided that Utah wasn't for them, and they left for California. A few more slow-moving songs played on the iPod and Isaac turned it off and handed it to Marceline, who was dozing off in her bed. Isaac smiled and set the iPod in her bag, along with the earbuds. Soon, he took off his glasses and went back to sleep. 

Then, a few hours later the whistles blew for 6:00 a.m. Everyone was a zombie that morning, except for C.J., of course. Nobody could wake up, they were the last ones to roll call, and the entire morning was crap. "Why do we wake up at six?" Isaac groaned. "I don't freaking know, so don't ask me," Jeff said, walking behind them. "Hey, will you three stop whining?! I know its early but just shut up," C.J. said, jumping hurdles. "Easy for you to say, you've been here longer," Marceline said. "Look, if you want to get out of here, then you'll need to trust me," C.J. said. Isaac paused in his steps. "What did you say?" he asked. "If you want to escape?" C.J. said again. "Yeah, can you escape?"


"Please tell us!"

"Why? You guys were jerks to me, why should I help you?"

"Because we did nothing wrong, and we were framed for what we did!"

"Well I wasn't."

"C.J. what did you do?"

"I stole an AK from a museum, because I thought it was cool."

"What the shit?!"

"I know, I'm bad aren't I?"

"Guys, seriously just stop," Marceline interrupted. "Just tell us how to escape this hell," Jeff said. "Okay, follow me," C.J. said walking to a large, rounded hurdle that horses would jump over. He walked to the back facing the bars of the camp and opened a small, crawl-spaced door. Inside was the hurdle was hollowed out and a large hole was in the middle of the dirt. "Whoa, C.J. did you dig that?!" Jeff asked. C.J. nodded smiling. Marceline looked through the hole and saw a small drop and looked back at C.J. "Do you have ladders or a rope to climb out?" she asked. C.J. shook his head, "Nope, well for the exit no. The entrance does, but the exit is still being dug out."

"Well, did you finish the tunnel part?" Isaac asked.

"Nope, well half of it but that's all."

"Could we maybe help you dig and we all could escape?"



"It's only been one day man, plus this might take three weeks to finish, plus finding ladders."

"If it takes three weeks, then I'm in."

"Um Isaac, a word," Jeff said out of the outburst. The three teenagers walked out of the jumping horse, and huddled into a group. "Should we trust him? I mean, he did kinda give us some pointers at the roll call like three hours ago," Jeff said. "I don't know man, what if it's a trick? I mean, he's seven and he stole a fucking AK-47!! AK-47! And he's seven!" Isaac said. "Well, I vote we should, I mean what if things get worse. What if I get picked on, what if Isaac goes gay for that gay dude checking him out at the showers, and what if Marceline gets-" "Dude, say no more! I vote we trust him!" Marceline interrupted. "Yeah I think we should," Isaac shrugged. "Dude you just said no, why yes?" Jeff asked. "To protect Marceline, DUH," he said. "Yeah because I don't think she should get ra-" "LETS JUST TELL C.J. OKAY!?" Marceline yelled. "Yeah lets go."

"Okay C.J., we agree," Isaac said. "Good, now here's a list for the tunnel," C.J. said handing Isaac a slip of paper. "Shovel, hammer, ladders?! Where do we find ladders?" Isaac asked. "From the storage facility, DUH!" C.J. said, sarcastically. "Where the hell is that?" Marceline asked. "Near bunk four, or near the fourth light tower," he said, walking out. "Where are you going?!" Jeff asked. "Follow me, moron," C.J. said, walking near the fourth light tower.

"This is the fourth light tower and that metal door over there is the storage facility, just don't knock because you could get messed up by one of the guards here," C.J. said, walking back to the bunkhouse. "Why would I knock?" Jeff asked. C.J. shrugged, "Dunno, that's just how a few kids get lynched out here." "Do you even know what that means?" Jeff asked. C.J. shook his head, "Do you?" Jeff shook his head, "Touche, bitch." C.J. laughed and walked to the bunkhouse to change. "Wait C.J!" Isaac yelled. C.J. turned his head towards Isaac. "Thanks, for everything." C.J. smiled and walked away. 

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