Chapter 27

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"Guys, its morning," Isaac said, putting his glasses on. Jeff looked around the alley they were hiding in. "Great, it wasn't a nightmare. It was real, just my luck," Jeff said, getting up from a pile of old German news papers. Ivy woke up C.J. and Samuel kept watch near the alley entrance while Marceline stared at the knife that Bear had. "I wish it was a nightmare," she said to herself. "We all do," Ivy said, grabbing her bag. "Hey Ivy, how far is the train from here?" Isaac asked, looking at a map he'd gotten at a nearby bus stop. Ivy shrugged, "About a mile from here." "Great, we can walk a mile," Isaac said. "I can't, my ankle is still messed up," C.J. said, rubbing his hurt ankle with his hands. Jeff sighed, "You need Life Alert C.J.?" "No, plus I'm not an old man that has fallen and can't get up Jeff. I need a cast or somethin," C.J. said, rolling his eyes. Samuel looked through his back pack to find anything close to a cast. "I might have something," Marceline said, pulling out an old sock and ripping it up. "Samuel, hand me one of your cloth band aids," Marceline said, as she wrapped the thick wool sock around C.J.'s ankle. "Okay," Samuel said as he handed the entire roll to Marceline. Marceline measured C.J.'s ankle, wrapped the sock in the band aids, then wrapped it around C.J.'s ankle. "That might work, but until then, hang tight okay?" Marceline said, handing the roll of band aids back to Samuel. C.J. nodded and said, "It's no cast, but it might do something." 

The group followed Ivy to some nearby train tracks and they saw that the train was having mechanical issues. It was a small train, it had four long cars, and one tiny caboose. The cars were filled with what looked like empty crates and broken boxes. The train had a busted row of wheels, but the maintenance men were about done with fixing it. The group took refuge behind the caboose, as Ivy wondered how they could distract the men working. "Guys, we can hop the train while they're fixing it," Ivy said, hiding behind the caboose. "What if they catch us?" Jeff asked. "I got it! We make a distraction, one that'll give them enough time to get on the train," Samuel said, looking at an open train car. "Anyone have any ideas?" Jeff asked. Isaac looked around, then remembered how he used to make bottle rockets back home. "I got and idea. Someone give me a soda," Isaac said, rummaging through his bag for mints. "Why do you need a soda Isaac?" Jeff asked. Isaac looked up at Jeff as he held a small roll of Mento's in his hand, and asked, "Jeff, remember the bottle rockets from school?" Jeff nodded as he crouched down next to Isaac on the rocky tracks, "Oh yeah, but I doubt that anyone has a-"

"I got one!" Ivy said, taking a glass Sprite bottle out of her bag. "Great, hand me the bottle," Isaac said, opening the mints. "How do you not make the bottle explode before you throw it?" C.J. asked. "Just watch 'em," Jeff said. "You open the cap, put the mints in quickly, then screw the cap back on as fast as you can. Then when I throw it, it'll make an explosion of soda and glass, distracting the workers long enough for us to get on the open train car," Isaac explained. "Nice, but should we move a little further up to the car?" Ivy asked. "Nope, we got a girl with a good arm with us Ivy," Jeff said, looking at Marceline. Marceline shrugged, "I'll try to aim the bottle at that pile of metal near the workers." "Great, just make it quick," Jeff said with a demanding tone in his voice. "Jeff, stop being a dick to her. She's trying her best you know?" Ivy said. Jeff cocked an eyebrow, "You wanna fucking go Ivy?" "No, I'm just saying that you should stop being a dick," Ivy said rolling her eyes. "Guys, that's enough," Samuel said. Jeff rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance, as he flipped Samuel off under his hoodie's sleeve. Samuel picked up a small pebble and threw it at Jeff's face. "Sam what the fuck?!" Jeff whispered. "I'll throw another one, you dick," Samuel said, as he held another small pebble in his left hand, "And don't call me Sam, you haven't gained my full trust yet," he added. "I can call you what ever I want to, Sam," Jeff said, snickering. "Just throw the bottle Marcy," Isaac said, rolling his eyes out of irritation from Jeff's remarks towards Samuel; who looked more annoyed than Isaac and the others . Marceline nodded and aimed the bottle at the pile of metal, and once the bottle was thrown and hit the ground, a loud and large explosion of glass and mints went everywhere. 

"Heilige Scheiße!" one of the workers screamed. "Ivy, what did he say?" C.J. asked. "He said holy shit, C.J.," Ivy said, watching the workers until they moved away from the glass in a panic. "They're gone, we move now," Ivy said as her eyes followed the workers legs moving away from the glass on the dirt. They all sprinted down the tracks to the open train car and hopped in quickly. Once Isaac had helped C.J. inside the train car, Jeff looked around and said,"Someone close the doors," as he crouched near the doors. "Why don't you do it?" C.J. insisted. "No, I'm too weak," Jeff said, making up an excuse. "Jeff, you lifted weights in the school gym, you can close the doors just fine!" Isaac whispered, sitting next to Ivy. Jeff rolled his eyes, "Ugh, fine I'll do it!" Jeff grunted, as he took off his hoodie and threw it on the ground to sit on later. Jeff quickly closed the train car's left doors and hid behind a huge barrel, dragging his dirty red hoodie with him. "That wasn't so hard was it?" Isaac asked. "Fuck you Isaac," Jeff scolded.

"Alles klar, können Sie den Zug bewegen!" one of the workers called. "He said that they're moving out. Or that their starting the train," Ivy said. "I'm glad you know three languages Ivy, your like a walking translator," Isaac said. Ivy shrugged, "That's what I'm here for." "I'm going to keep watch, you guys do whatever," Samuel said, sitting on the right side of the train car, letting his legs dangle. The breeze from the train car was pleasant since not much snow was in the area the train was in. Marceline smiled as she saw the relaxed look on Samuel's face, he looked the most relieved so far. She'd never seen him with a smile like that before, and she adored him for it.  

"Hey Isaac," Jeff called. "What?" Isaac asked, turning his head to face Jeff, who was still behind the barrel. "Come here," Jeff said, as he motioned for Isaac to sit down next to him. Isaac walked across the train car and sat next to Jeff and asked,"What's up Jeffery?" "Isaac, do you like Ivy?" Jeff asked, looking him dead in the eyes. Isaac rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about it for a second. Isaac had only known Ivy for two months, but already thought he was developing a crush on her. She was nice, smart, and humorous, so to him, what's not to like? "Well?" Jeff asked, crossing his arms. "A little bit. I mean, she's pretty, she's funny, and she's well educated. Why are you asking?" Isaac asked. Jeff shrugged, "She might like Samuel, I can tell just by the way she talks to him and looks at him." "No way, sure Samuel's handsome and all, but she might not like any of us," Isaac said, trying not to think about it. "You're cheering yourself up dude," Jeff said, crossing his arms. "Ugh I know, its just, I really like Ivy and I want her to know," Isaac said, pushing his glasses up on his nose. "Well, go and talk to her," Jeff said. "Since when do you know about women Jeff?" Isaac asked. "I was a bit of a ladies man back home," Jeff bragged. "No, no you weren't Jeff, you had Trevor. You were more of a men's man. I mean, the way you and Trevor acted was, you know, different. Almost like you had a gay crush on him," Isaac remarked as he scooted closer to Jeff to make him feel uncomfortable. Jeff rolled his eyes, "Hey, I told you not to bring up Trevor!" "Well I just did bitch," Isaac said. 

"So, Samuel, what are the chances of us getting out of here alive?" Ivy asked, sitting next to Samuel, since she got bored from lying on the floor of the train and staring at the ceiling. He shrugged, "I don't know, maybe a high chance of survival?" "Great, because I really want to get to America, alive, and see my grandma again. She had cancer a few years ago and I haven't heard from her since. But my dad said that she is alive and well. I hope," Ivy said, looking at her feet. "Ivy, I guarantee that we will help you get to your grandma," Samuel said, looking into her bright amber eyes. "Oh Samuel, you mean it?!" Ivy asked. He nodded with a kind smile. "Oh I'm so happy I, I think I'll give you a kiss!" Ivy said with delight. Samuel looked at her puzzled, "A kiss?" he asked. "Don't tell me you don't know what a kiss is?!" Ivy said. "I do, but why me?" Samuel asked again. "Because," Ivy said, leaning her head towards Samuel. "You're one of the most pretty boys I've ever laid my eyes on."  He backed up slightly, then heard Ivy yell. "Ouch!! C.J., was zum Teufel?!" Ivy screamed. "What does that mean?" C.J. asked. "It means, what the fuck?!" Ivy yelled. "What'd he do?" Marceline asked, springing to her feet like a fox about to jump over a river. Ivy realized that Marceline was right next to her, and realized that Marceline might've liked Samuel and turned red. "He yanked my hair," Ivy said, her face a red as a tomato. "Oh, C.J. really?" Marceline asked. "But she tried to kiss Samuel!" C.J. explained. Marceline looked at Ivy with a bit of jealousy in her eyes. "Uh, can we not get mad over me! I mean, I have no idea as to what just happened," Samuel said out of awkward silence.

Marceline didn't know how to react, so she just turned and walked away, and sat on one of the crates that faced the other door. The other door was cracked slightly, so she could still look out at the scenery of the snowy fir trees, but she was still beyond mad. Ivy kept encouraging Marceline to be with Samuel, but if Ivy liked him, then how could Marceline even get to know him?

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